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Sustainable development is the most demanding challenge facing humanity to pass on the heritage of natural resources and ethical and social values to future generations, indispensable for survival on this planet. The path towards this goal is particularly complex and non-linear, and as such requires a multi-level and multi-disciplinary commitment involving everyone. Universities play a fundamental role in this path because they have the primary task of preparing the society of the future. The tools are the education of new generations and the development of a new awareness and knowledge of the effects of our actions on the planet. 

The task of universities does not end with the education of future citizens, managers, teachers, politicians, decision-makers, and professionals: it also encompasses the advancement of knowledge, the co-production of innovation in collaboration with and in support of institutions, industry and civil society. Thanks to the synergy between all the different actors, it is possible to implement actions aimed at achieving the goals of the UN 2030 Agenda, which is an action plan to transform the world by acting for the benefit of people, peace, the planet, prosperity, partnerships. 

UniCa is about to undertake a transversal process, to be evaluated over the long term, through which environmental protection, community welfare, social and inter-generational equity and economic development can be pursued 'in an integrated and systemic manner'.


The University of Cagliari for sustainability

The university aims to strengthen its commitment to environmental sustainability through a set of coordinated actions, in line with the Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda and the European Green Deal, which places the achievement of sustainability-relevant results at the centre of the organisational actions of public bodies.

Completed and ongoing projects also focus on social and economic sustainability

For the full achievement of the objectives, a special team for sustainable development has been set up: it is composed of highly specialised figures, ones able to influence the management and monitoring of sustainability indicators effectively and efficiently.

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Unica's Green team prepared a sustainability questionnaire aimed at the university's student population: professors, researchers, and TAL staff.

The aim of the survey is to find out the level of awareness of sustainability issues within the university population in order to improve the university's sustainability awareness and education activities. 

The survey, administered with Microsoft Form, does not allow the registration of identification data, so the answers are totally anonymous. Participation in the questionnaire is free and open to all university components (students, professors, technical/administrative staff, non-structured staff). The estimated time for answering is no more than 9 minutes.

The results of the survey will be published in the form of aggregated data and may be used to obtain useful indications to increase the quality of performance in terms of environmental, social, and economic sustainability of the University of Cagliari. 

NOTICE: due to a technical problem with the Google form platform, the filling in has been temporarily suspended. As soon as the problem is solved, it will be possible to fill in the questionnaire again.


Fill in the questionnaire

The University System for Sustainable Development


Steering Committee

Chaired by the Rector Prof. Francesco Mola, it provides strategic input to the Technical-Operational Management Group. 


  • Prof. Gianni Fenu (Vice Rector)
  • Prof. Italo Meloni (UniCa Representative in the Network of Sustainable Universities - RUS)
  • Prof. Fabrizio Pilo (Deputy Vice Rector for territory and innovation)
  • Prof.ssa Elisabetta Gola (Vice Rector delegate for communication and PR)
  • Prof. Paola Fadda (Vice Rector delegate for the Monserrato campus)
  • Prof. Elio Usai (Rector's delegate for process and service quality)
  • Prof. Ester Cois (Rector's Delegate for Gender Equality)
  • Prof. Carlo Atzeni (Rector's Delegate for Spaces and Sustainability)
  • Dr. Aldo Urru (General Director)
  • Eng. Antonella Sanna (Director of Investment, Property Maintenance, and Installations)
  • Dr. Roberto Alba (Director of Student Communication and General Services)
  • Dr. Michela Deiana (Director of Purchasing and Contracts Direction)
  • Dr. Roberto Barreri (Director of Infrastructure and Data Systems Directorate)
  • Dr. Marco Maxia (Director of the Environment, Safety and Audit Directorate)
  • Dr. Fabrizio Cherchi (Director of Personnel, Organisation and Performance Directorate)
  • Mr. Pietro Ennas (President of the Student Council, student representative on the BoD)

UniCA Green Team Working Group - 

  • Coordinator: Eng. Antonella Sanna
  • RUS representative and Coord. Implementation of sustainability policies: Dr. Daniela Zedda
  • Energy Manager: Eng. Luca Migliari 
  • Mobility Manager: Eng. Marcello Figus 
  • Waste management contacts: Dr. Barbara Tuveri and Eng. Martina Piredda 
  • Head of Protection and Prevention Service: Eng. Michela Cuccu
Environmental sustainability
All the university's actions on energy efficiency in buildings, sustainable mobility, responsible resource management.
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Social sustainability
The university is committed to enhancing gender diversity and ensuring equal opportunities and support for people with disabilities and special learning needs.
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Economic sustainability
It encourages collaboration between universities and the territory, promoting sustainable growth policies and dialoguing to favour processes geared towards a circular economy.

Here is all the information, regulatory references, and events related to the university's sustainability activities.

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Network of Sustainable Universities
The University of Cagliari is part of the first national network favouring collaboration between university institutions committed to sustainability issues.
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Green Metric World University Ranking
From 2020, the university participates in one of the most important rankings that assesses the sustainability of universities worldwide according to specific parameters.
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RAEE Expression of Interest
It provides for the free of charge entrusting of the collection, recovery and disposal of waste from electrical and electronic equipment services.

Information, documents, activities related to UniCa's commitment to sustainability.

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The University of Cagliari's sustainability strategy is based on international programmes and agreements.
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Awards and Initiatives
All awards and participations in national events of the University of Cagliari in the field of sustainability.
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Useful links
This page provides links to the main national, institutional and reference websites in the sustainability field