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University of Cagliari’s Employment Counselling sector works to intensify the relationship with the labour market and to better manage the initiatives aimed at career guidance.

The sector offers several services to increase the employability of University of Cagliari’s final-year students and graduates, thus facilitating the matching of labour supply and demand.

In particular, placement services guide students through the opportunities offered by the labour market, helping them compiling their CV and cover letter, and also supporting them in the preparation of selection interviews.

The services for companies, instead, are addressed to the productive activities of the territory interested in the recruitment of final-year students and graduates and in signing specific memorandums of understanding with public and private subjects.

Placement services
They manage the matching between supply and demand, helping students and graduates in choosing their professional career.
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Business services
Local companies can meet graduates in ad hoc “Career days”, offering them formation and apprenticeship opportunities.