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UniCa's strategies for international cooperation pursue the objective of promoting the free movement of people - students, lecturers, staff - and ideas in order to expand the dissemination of knowledge. 

In view of this general objective, the actions to be taken aim, on the one hand, to enhance and implement international two-way mobility programmes and, on the other hand, to devise new strategies for research and teaching, which develop increasing interaction and collaboration with strategic international partners.

Networking with other European universities must be strengthened, enabling the design of a new integrated model of university education, based on a long-term vision.


International Cooperation and Mobility Programs Office Euraxess Service Centre

Address: via San Giorgio, 12 - Entrance3, 2nd Floor 09124 Cagliari - Italy

Tiziana Cubeddu

Ester Maria Loi

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The ENI CBC MED 2014 - 2020 Programme, as of 2014, replaced the previous ENPI (European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument) programme for the seven-year period 2007-2013.

The objective of the programme is to favour the development of privileged relations with the partner countries of the European Neighbourhood Policy through actions and programmes aimed at promoting European values such as democracy and human rights, the rule of law, good governance and the principles of market economy and sustainable and inclusive development, with the ultimate goal of fostering the creation of an area of prosperity and good neighbourliness.

The current Programme has a budget of 15,432,634,000 euros.

NEWS: the Managing Authority has published the ENI CBC MED Tender for Strategic Projects 

with a deadline of 28/07/2020 to be submitted through the online procedure.


For further information:

Daniela Ghiani: +39 070/6756509


ENI CBC MED StrategicProjects: Section 4.1 UNICA applicant and partner details.docx
ENI CBC MED StrategicProjects: Calculation of overhead costs per structure as of 31-12-2019.xls
CLOSED: 1st Call for Standard Projects: Approved Projects

ENI CBC MED website
Information events: Call for strategic projects presentations
Documents updated up until 23/10/2017 (administrative costs table....)

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LIFE 2014-2020

The Programme's objectives are:

  • Contribute to the transition to a resource-efficient, low-carbon and climate change resilient economy, contribute to the protection and enhancement of the environment and to halting and reversing biodiversity loss, including supporting the Natura 2000 network and combating ecosystem degradation;
  • Improve the development, implementation and enforcement of Union environmental and climate policy and legislation, and catalyse and promote the integration and dissemination of environmental and climate objectives into other policies and practice in the public and private sector, including by increasing their capacity;
  • Further support environmental and climate governance at all levels;
  • Support the implementation of the 7th Environmental Action Programme.

 Within the framework of the protocol with ‘Sardegna Ricerche’, the University of Cagliari has activated the following training and consultancy services

The European Commission has published the LIFE 2018 Tender for the different types of projects of the two LIFE sub-programmes: Environment Sub-programme and Climate Action Sub-programme.

LIFE 2018 Tender - EU website
LIFE 2018 Tender - Ministry of the Environment and Land and Sea website
LIFE Programme - EU website
LIFE Multi annual Work Programme

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The main objective of the Interreg MED Programme is to foster sustainable growth in the Mediterranean area both by promoting innovative concepts and practices and a conscious use of resources and by supporting social inclusion through integrated territorial cooperation.

The Interreg MED Programme has four main thematic areas

Axis 1 Innovation
Developing smart and sustainable growth through the promotion of innovative capacities in the Mediterranean area;
Axis 2 Low Emission Economy
Promoting low-carbon and energy-efficient strategies in specific Mediterranean territories: cities, islands and poorly accessible areas;
Axis 3 Natural and cultural resources
Protect and promote the Mediterranean area's cultural and natural resources;
Axis 4 Governance
Strengthening governance in the Mediterranean area.

Types of project proposals:
The project architecture of the Interreg MED Programme 2014-2020 provides for three types of projects:

• Modular project;
• Horizontal project;
• Platform project.

Multi-module in which the individual modules are associated with each other depending on the strategy adopted, the main objectives to be achieved, the expected results, and the skills and experience of the partners:

  • M1+M2 (studying + testing): this type of project can last up to a maximum of 36 months. A duration of 15 months is recommended for M1 activities and 21 months for M2 activities;
  • M2+M3 (testing + capitalising): this type of project may last up to a maximum of 36 months, of which 21 months is recommended for M2 activities and 15 months for M3 activities;
  • M1+M2+M3 (studying + testing + capitalising): the maximum duration for integrated projects is 48 months of which we recommend: 15 months for M1 activities, 21 months for M2 activities and the remaining 12 months for M3 activities.

Horizontal Projects are the unifying element of modular projects linked to the same theme. The duration of this type of project is up to 36 months.

To complement the three priority themes (innovation, energy and environment), the architecture of the Interreg MED Programme provides for a fourth cross-sectoral axis with the specific aim of supporting the capacity of national and regional authorities to contribute to governance processes in the Mediterranean area.

The Platform Projects will analyse the results produced both by the Interreg MED Projects (Modular and Horizontal Project) and by other Mediterranean Programmes, initiatives, organisations in order to provide a scientific basis and a solid contribution to strategic policies and initiatives in the MED area on defined sectors and transversal issues.


Useful documents:

Synergie CTE (online monitoring tool) and Synergie guide

Interreg MED Cooperation Programme

Second Call for Modular Projects - CLOSED
Call for Horizontal Projects - CLOSED
First Call for Modular Projects - CLOSED
Programme Manual

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NEWS: The Tuscany Region Official Bulletin has published the IV NOTICE for the submission of project applications for Priority Axes 1 and 3 of the IT - FR Interreg Maritime Programme.

The Notice, with an endowment of about 13 million euros, will finance environmental protection activities in the port area and multimodal transport.

More specifically, the actions that can be financed concern

  • simple projects for the acquisition of services by new and existing enterprises;
  • projects aimed at the creation of an intelligent ICT service for cross-border intermodal passenger mobility;
  • projects aimed at setting up a cross-border observatory for monitoring air quality in ports.

Applications must be received no later than 18:00:00 on 21 June 2019, under penalty of non-admission




The Interreg Italy-France Maritime Programme 2014-2020 is a cross-border programme co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the framework of the European Territorial Cooperation (ETC).

The are four key themes of intervention of the Programme:

  • Growth and employment: This intervention aims to support the cross-border nautical, sustainable and innovative tourism, biotechnology and blue and green energy sectors;
  • Safe environment: this intervention aims at a joint effort to protect populations and the natural heritage (land and sea) from risks arising from both climate change and human activities;
  • Heritage, a common good: this joint action aims to improve both the defence and the sustainable enhancement of the area's natural and cultural heritage;
  • Reduced distances: this intervention aims at developing land and sea connection networks and sustainable transport modes with the objective of reducing the isolation of the most peripheral areas as well as improving quality


IV Notice: Information event Cagliari 26.03.2019

IV Notice: Programme page
II NOTICE: List of projects admitted to the next evaluation phase - All 9 projects in which the University is involved have been admitted to the second phase