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The aim of the Erasmus+ programme is to enable the experience of living in other countries, getting to know other cultures and acquiring a more varied and complete university education. The results pursued are the growth of European identity, the strengthening of the concept of multiculturalism and multilingualism and the improvement of European citizens' job prospects.

Universities benefit from the programme through the strengthening of collaborations with other European institutions, which translate into modernisation of programmes and competitiveness of European education in the world. 

In recent years, this collaboration has led first to the creation and then to the refinement of a unified European education system that simplifies the recognition of study periods abroad and credits acquired. By virtue of this network of collaborations with universities and companies in the 33 foreign countries participating in the Erasmus + programme, UniCa students can undertake two types of mobility experience: study and traineeship.

A student may benefit per study cycle from:

  • Mobility for study: from 3 to 12 months
  • Traineeship mobility: from 2 to 12 months, also for recent graduates.

Study and traineeship periods may be alternated for a maximum of 12 months per cycle; for single-cycle degrees the mobility months are 24 in total.

In Erasmus+, students can take courses, sit examinations, do research for their dissertation, carry out work experience and make use of the facilities available at the foreign host institutions without having to pay any fees other than those stipulated by their own university.

Erasmus+ students are also awarded a mobility grant, the amount of which is modulated according to the cost of living in the host country. Before departure, students also receive approval for study or traineeship activities from their home university and the host university.


For further information, please visit the Italian version of the UniCa website.

ISMOKA Office/Contacts
It’s the office dealing with the international mobility of students, professorrs and doctoral students for the University of Cagliari.
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International agreements
The University of Cagliari forges agreements with foreign universities and institutions in the framework of joint activities for teaching, research and training.