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Vice Rector







Via Is Mirrionis, 1 - Locality "Sa Duchessa" - 09123 Cagliari

Elisabetta Gola is Professor of Philosophy and Theories of Languages in the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy of the University of Cagliari, where she has been coordinating the degree course in Communication Sciences since 2009. 

Her research interests are linked to the processes of understanding and in particular to the theoretical and practical aspects of metaphors. She has more recently devoted herself to the study of social media languages and that of effective communication both in speech and in writing. She has deepened in several research projects and third mission activities the issues related to the potential of technologies in communication, especially in teaching, public communication, social communication and health, and the enhancement of cultural heritage.

She has directed two editions of the Master in Management of Communication Products and Services at the University of Cagliari, and teaches in the Master in Social Communication in Rome Tor Vergata.

She is part of the Board of Directors of the Inter-university Consortium for the UnitelSardegna Telematic University.