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Academic Year 2021-2022

On Friday 6 May 2022, the traditional and solemn ceremony took place in the lecture hall of the Belgrano palace: at the end, Rector Francesco Mola gave the traditional opening formula. Institutional greetings of the President of the Region of Sardinia Christian Solinas, opening speech by Pietro Corsi, professor emeritus of History of Science at the University of Oxford (title: Liaisons dangereuses: the science between war and peace), conclusions of the work entrusted to the Minister of University and Research, Maria Cristina Messa. Orsola Macis was the technical, administrative and librarian staff representant, while Francesco Stochino was student representative.







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The inauguration of the academic year 2020-2021, Thursday 4 March 2021, was streamed live from the lecture hall of the Rectorate of the University of Cagliari; at the end of the ceremony, on the anniversary of the four centuries of activity of the university, a marble plaque, with a celebratory epigraph of the important milestone, was discovered. On the occasion, greetings were also sent by Prime Minister Mario Draghi, the Minister for University and Research, Maria Cristina Messa, and, in video, by Crui President, Ferruccio Resta, and the Sardinian President, Christian Solinas. The solemn ceremony was enriched by the prolusion Immunity, from cancer to Covid-19: dreams and challenges of the well-known immunologist and oncologist Alberto Mantovani, followed by the speeches of Piera Caocci, who represented students, by Marta Costa, who represented the university staff, and then the reports of the prorectors Micaela Morelli (Research), Alessandra Carucci (Internationalisation) and Ignazio Putzu (Teaching). Finally, the speeches and institutional relations of Aldo Urru, Director General, and Maria Del Zompo, Rector, who in her final report also retraced the main stages and the most qualifying points of the work carried out during her mandate at the head of the university.






On Friday 8 November 8, 2019, the solemn ceremony for the official inauguration of the 2019/20 academic year took place in Palazzo Belgrano’s lecture hall, seat of the Rectorate of Cagliari. 

The speech of the Rector Maria Del Zompo was followed by the speeches of the staff representative Stefania Lecca, the student representative Francesco Aracu and, finally, the speech of the distinguished Governor of the Bank of Italy, Professor Ignazio Visco, on the theme "Innovation, knowledge, finance", who was introduced by Professor Maria Chiara Di Guardo, prorector of Innovation.




On Friday 12 October 2018, the solemn ceremony for the official inauguration of the academic year 2018/19 took place in Palazzo Belgrano’s lecture hall, the seat of the Rectorate of Cagliari. The speech of the Rector Maria Del Zompo was followed by the speeches of the staff representative Ernesto Batteta, the student representative Sara Agus and the speech of the distinguished professor Carlo Ratti, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, on the theme "Senseable Cities", who was introduced by Professor Antonello Sanna, of UniCa’s Department of Civil, Environmental Engineering, and Architecture.






The solemn inauguration ceremony of the2017/18 Academic Year of the University of Cagliari - in the 397th year since the Royal Privilege of Foundation - took place on Monday 2 October 2017 in the lecture hall of the Rectorate Palace, in the presence of the President of Italy, Sergio Mattarella.

Inauguration in the presence of the President of Italy, Sergio Mattarella






The program of the ceremony includes the speech of Rector Maria Del Zompo, as well as the speeches of the staff representative, Dr Elsa Lusso, and the student representative, Mr Carlo Sanna and, finally, Professor Romano Prodi’s (also President of the Foundation for Cooperation between Peoples) prolusion "A fragile Europe in the global strategy". Afterwards, the musical performance "Bah miticoi ca" by Rossella Faa.