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Michela Deiana

Address: Via Università, 40 - 09124 Cagliari
Telephone: +39 070 6756856


The Purchasing and Tenders Division manages the tender procedures for the purchase of goods and services, the award of public works contracts and concessions, the management of assets and the economic fund, as well as the implementation of environmental sustainability policies of the University.

In particular:

  • It collects the needs of goods and services reported by the decentralised structures and by the Central Administration, preparing, for purchases of € 40,000 or more the two-year programme of the purchases of goods and services and the relative update anniversary, according to article 21 of the L.D. 50/2016.
  • It manages the administrative process of purchase, after the verification of the financial coverage and the authorisation to spend, using the telematic platforms made available by Consip Spa, CINECA, Autonomous Region of Sardinia: the "Online Purchases" portal (, U- Buy Contracts and Awards (, Sardegna CAT (;
  • It develops and manages supply and service purchasing processes, the concession service assignments and purchasing procedures for engineering works and services;
  • It ensures the publication of authorisation and tender documents, the acquisition of CIGs (Tender Identification Code), the preparation of notices, specifications and any other administrative document of the procedure; legal publicity and any other compliance required by law for the purpose of transparency; the answer to questions posed by economic operators; the support of the tender procedures;
  • It manages requests for access to documents in the context of tendering procedures;
  • it supports the RUP (Sole Manager of Procedure) throughout the procedure, from call to award, by verifying of the administrative documentation of economic operators, the procedure for remedying deficiencies; adopting of admission/exclusion measures, and appointing the Selection Board; evaluating anomalies, verifying the possession of the requirements using the AVCpass system, as well as taking care of communications to participants, pursuant to art. 76 of L.D. 50/2016 and publishing the outcome of the tender;
  • it prepares and verifies the documents to be attached to the contract and takes care of their conclusion for amounts equal to or greater than € 40,000.00 up to the Community threshold, and for purchases made outside the electronic markets, in cases permitted by law;
  • it cares for the administrative aspects of real estate and movable property management;
  • it manages the savings fund and the acquisitions of assets for the needs of the general administration;
  • it develops and implements the University’s sustainability strategies.


Davide Cao
Telephone: +39 070 6753522

Public service contracts area - Common expenses


Roberta Zucca
Telephone: +39 070 6752465 - Fax: +39 070 6752357

It ensures that the procedures for selecting contractors for public service contracts are completed, above Community threshold, until the effectiveness of the final award on the basis of the special tender documents and any technical annexes drawn up by the applicant structures, taking care of relations with their staff; it cooperates with the coordinator and the manager in the activities related to the activity of the area of competence;  it takes care of the preparation of the special tender documents in cases where the DAA is the holder of the budget; stipulates public contracts in the procedures of choice of the contractor carried out on the MEPA (Public Administration Electronic Market) in cases where the DAA (Accompanying Administrative Document) is the owner of the budget;  it carries out the activities referred to in art. 31, of L.D. 50/2016, exclusively for the various stages of the custody procedure, supports the Sole Manager of Procedure of other coordination in the completion of the procedures of choice of contractor, ensuring, in order to reduce the risk of corruption, the participation in seats related to the contractors' selection procedure by other sector managers in the Directorate;  it supports the green public manager in sustainable purchasing; it coordinates employees for support activities.


Public works contracts area


Patrizia Ardau
Telephone: +39 070 6752368 - Fax: +39 070 6752344

It ensures that procedures for selecting the contractor for public works contracts are completed until the final award is effective, on the basis of the tender specifications and any technical annexes drawn up by the Investment Directorate, Property and Plants Maintenance, taking care of the relationships with the above-mentioned staff; it supports the Sole Manager of Procedure in the completion of the procedures of choice of contractor, ensuring, in order to reduce the risk of corruption, participation in seats relating to the procedure of choice of contractors curated by other managers of the Directorate; it concludes contracts on the MEPA (Public Administration Electronic Market); it forwards the acts prior to the conclusion of the contract to the issuing officer in cases of jurisdiction; it coordinates employees for support activities.


Public contracts and grants area 

It ensures that the procedures for selecting the contractor for public works and service grants contracts are completed until the final award is effective, on the basis of the specifications of the public grants and any technical annexes drawn up by the applicant structures, taking care of the relationship with the above-mentioned staff; it takes care of the preparation of the special tender documents in cases where the DAA (Accompanying Administrative Document) is the owner of the budget; it concludes public contracts in the procedures of choice of the contractor carried out on the MEPA (Public Administration Electronic Market); performs as the Sole Manager of Procedure for the activities referred to in art. 31 of L.D. 50/2016, for the various stages of the award procedure; it supports the Sole Manager of Procedure of other coordination in the completion of the procedures of choice of contractor, ensuring, in order to reduce the risk of corruption, participation in seats relating to the procedure for selecting contractors by other managers of the Directorate; it collaborates with the Assets Area Official to manage the tender procedures for the granting of space for the provision of services to users; it is responsible for the procedures of Public and Private Partnership as well as the procedures of Project Financing and sponsorship; it coordinates the collaborators for the support activities.


Public supply contracts and sub-threshold services area


Valentina Sechi
Telephone: +39 0706756873

It manages the purchasing procedures, from the call to the conclusion of contracts and agreements, of amounts less than the Community threshold; it prepares the documents, the data and information necessary for the adhesion of the University to the conventions/ Consip electronic market or other administrations, such as the regional one; it make the accounting records of purchases on the U-portalGOV; it provides for the financial coordination of the chapters of Directorate competence.



Public contracts and supplies


Donatella Carta
Telephone: +39 070 6752210

It ensures that the procedures for selecting the contractor for the public supply contracts, above Community threshold, are completed until the final award is effective, on the basis of the specifications documents and any technical annexes drawn up by the applicant structures, taking care of the relationship with the above-mentioned staff; it ensures the preparation of the special tender documents in cases where the DAA (Accompanying Administrative Document) is the owner of the budget; it carries out the activities referred to in art. 31 of L.D. 50/2016, for the various stages of the award procedure; it supports the Sole Responsible of the Procedure of other coordination in the completion of the procedures of choice of contractor, ensuring, in order to reduce the risk of corruption, the participation in seats related to the procedure of choice of contractors curated by other managers of the Directorate; it manages the assignment procedures related to the purchases of the Polilab and Cesar centres, within the APQ project, whose budget is in charge of the DAA (Accompanying Administrative Document); it concludes public contracts in the procedures of choice of contractor performed on the MEPA (Public Administration Electronic Market) ; it coordinates collaborators for support activities.



Nicola Ladu
Telephone: +390706756823

Antonella Lecca
Telephone: +393334903787

Martina Porcu
Telephone: +393334927488



Carlotta Atzori
Telephone: +39 333 4927219

Giustino Madrigale
Telephone: +39 070 6752311 - Fax: +39 070 6752344

Marianna Ladogana
Telephone: +39 333 4905159

Gianpaolo Murenu
Telephone: +39 070 6752426 - Fax: +39 070 6752456

Marta Tidu
Telephone: +393334927060

Marco Silvio Vicari
Telephone: +393334927159


Claudia Piras
Telephone: +390706756858

It is responsible for purchases and supplies in the technical and technological field, with a cross-functional and coordinating role. It collaborates and coordinates, intercepting needs and requirements, with internal stakeholders from the moment of the definition of the demand, to the programming and design of the procedures of purchase of the product (set of goods and services), thus ensuring free competition in the market.

It acts as a technical-functional link between all the Directorate’s coordination, providing support to the Manager.



Carlotta Atzeni
Telephone: +39 333 4927219

Giustino Madrigale
Telephone: +39 070 6752311 - Fax: +39 070 6752344

Marianna Ladogana
Telephone: +39 333 4905159

Gianpaolo Murenu
Telephone: +39 070 6752426 - Fax: +39 070 6752456

Marta Tidu
Telephone: 3334927060

Marco Silvio Vicari
Telephone: 3334927159


Graziella Pili
Telephone: +39 070 6752428

It is responsible for coordination activities based on the objectives and strategic guidelines defined by the governing bodies. It assumes the role of Sole Manager of Procedure and Project Manager to carry out the activities of whose coordination is responsible.

It carries out minor operating expenses, acting as bursar, limiting the recourse to the bursary fund only to cases of real necessity, taking into account that the University acquires goods and services using, as a priority, the ordinary acquisition procedures provided for by current legislation; it takes care of the account of the central administration of the University as an accountant.



Domenico Fois
Telephone: +39 070 6752423 - Fax: +39 070 6752357; +39 070 6752492

The supervisor shall cooperate with the manager in the coordination activities on the basis of the objectives and strategic guidelines defined by the governing bodies.

As the Sole Manager of Procedure, it carries out all the activities and tasks referred to in art. 31, paragraph 4 of L. D. 50/2016 and its amendments and integrations thereof, as well as art. 6 L 241/90, to ensure the proper management, allocation, census, survey and cadastral reorganisation of the real estate of the various structures belonging to the University of Cagliari.

Finally, it deals with the communications, publications and notifications required by laws and regulations.


Assets area


Gianluca Susini
Telephone: +39 070 6752425 - Fax: +39 070 6752371

The supervisor manages the transfer and inventory unloading activities of the movable assets of the entire University, checking the loading activities on a sample basis, and performing the accounting-administrative validation of the increases and decreases in assets.

It provides support to the peripheral structures in the procedures of loading and unloading inventory of movable assets, managing the administrative-accounting activities of the real estate property, granted in use by the State Property Agency and, in relation to the latter, maintains relations with the State Property Agency.

It provides for the processing and communication to the MEF - Treasury Department the data concerning the buildings and grants for the purpose of drawing up the annual accounts of the PA’s assets, managing the grants for consideration of premises and/or spaces for commercial activities.

Last but not least, it collaborates with the official in charge of the Public Contracts – Grants Area for the performance of all the activities instrumental to the drafting of the tender documents for the granting of spaces for the provision of services to users.


Assets Management Area - Consignee


Antonello Angioni
Telephone: +39 070 6752470 - Fax: +39 070 6752371

The manager manages the accounting and clearance of invoices for the investment budgets related to the projects under the responsibility of the Directorate.

It manages the loading activities of the movable assets of the Central Administration, identifying the assets of the Central Administration to be eliminated and proposing the inventory offloading on behalf of the consignee.

It performs the administrative-accounting validation of the increases and decreases in assets of the central administration.

It manages the administrative procedures relating to the granting of the classrooms and the areas of competence of the Rector.

Last but not least, it takes care of the administrative-accounting management in the reports deriving from the existing passive lease contracts of the University.



Maria Giovanna Carta
Telephone: +39 070 6752034 - Fax: +39 070 6752371

Maria Pia Cocco Ortu
Telephone: +39 070 6752293 - Fax: +39 070 6752371

Giuseppe Pala
Telephone: +39 3334904008

Set of forms

Below is information for access to administrative acts. There are three different types of access: document access, simple civic access, and generalised civic access. Below you can find:

  • the form for documentary access, that is a right recognised and exercised by all the subjects who demonstrate to have a direct, concrete and current interest. The filled-in form must be sent by certified e-mail to the following address:
  • the information to send a request for simple civic access, the right of anyone to request and obtain the publication of documents, information and data that public administrations have failed to publish while having the obligation;
  • information to send a request for generalised civic access, the right of anyone to request and obtain access to any document held by the public administration, even without a direct, concrete and current interest.


Form for document access
Simple civic access
General civic access