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The University of Cagliari's active commitment to sustainability has also resulted in participation in national events and the awarding of mentions and prizes for its work.


An article in the European Commission's magazine GPP Issue, No. 107 September 202, was dedicated to the contract for plastic-free vending machines as an example of good practice adopted by a public administration in the field of sustainability and environmental education.


The contract for the purchase of interior furnishings for the University's crèche, which was nominated for the 2021 edition of the Procura+ ICLEI Prize, the network of European public authorities and regions on sustainable procurement, was among the finalist projects in the 'Procurement of the Year' category as a sustainable and innovative action to support women in academia. 

The other participating public authorities in the category were the City of Helsinki, the Province of Zeeland (The Netherlands), and the City of Copenhagen. 

For further information


Within the framework of the national initiative promoted by Forum PA and ASVIS on the theme 'Sustainable and resilient PA 2022 - The best initiatives aiming at measuring, communicating, training and networking on sustainable development issues', the University of Cagliari has nominated its project 'University of Cagliari's corporate wellness system - Being parents without giving up quality study'.

The project, consisting in the implementation of an organised system aimed at reconciling the organisation of work and study with the family, social, psychological, and economic needs of university students and teaching and technical-administrative staff of the university, was implemented through the activation of the Baby Card, the Pink Rooms and the Crèche. 

UniCa's project proposal was one of the ten finalists in the Award, which sought to identify and valorise experiences, solutions and projects of public administrations aimed at promoting the country's sustainable growth and solidarity.

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During the next edition of Sharper – Researchers’ Night, scheduled for Friday 29 September 2023 in Cagliari's Public Gardens, the University of Cagliari's Sustainable Development System and Green Team will be presented.

It will be an opportunity to learn more about the university's sustainability initiatives and programmes. 

Representatives of the UniCa Green Team will display the poster of the activities implemented at the university and will be available to illustrate past and future projects.

Find out more about the UniCa Green Team's participation in Sharper


On Friday 6 October, in the Great Hall of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Cagliari, the sustainability initiatives launched by the University of Cagliari were the focus of the round table 'The University on the path to sustainability: the experience of the Network of Universities for Sustainable Development (RUS) and the commitment of the University of Cagliari'.


Watch the video of the round table











Patrizia Lombardi’s Report - RUS President
Italo Meloni’s Report - Delegate for relations with the RUS University of Cagliari
Michele Dassisti’s Report - Polytechnic of Bari
Giuseppe Inturri’s Report - University of Catania
Eleonora Perotto’s Report - Polytechnic of Milan
Matteo Colleoni’s Report - University of Milan Bicocca