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In order to conclude one's education and obtain a degree, it is necessary to take a final exam, the characteristics of which vary depending on the level of the course of study to which one belongs.

In three-year degree courses, the final exam consists in most cases in the discussion of a topic assigned by the supervisor. In master's degree courses, on the other hand, the presentation of a thesis prepared by the student in an original manner under the guidance of a supervisor is required.

The number of credits attributed to the final exam is defined taking into account the time required for its preparation.

The characteristics and procedures for the final exam, as well as the assessment criteria, are described in the study course's didactic regulations. 

There are normally four sessions for the final exam spread over the academic year in February, July, September/October, November, plus a possible session in March or April.

The calendar of graduation sessions can be consulted by accessing the "Calendars and Schedules" sections of the study course and Faculty websites.

The calendar, with detailed information on graduation committees, final-year students and timetables, is published near each session at the following link: Graduation session board (online services)

The degree application must be completed exclusively online, within the deadlines set for each call, through the procedure available on your personal student page on Esse3 Homepage public area, UNICA University (

For details on how to complete the degree application, please refer to the websites of the student secretarial offices