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For the university, research grants are one of the main tools for investing in young people with a suitable scientific background for research training in areas of particular interest.

via san Giorgio 12 (entrance 3 - floor 2) - 09124 Cagliari

Dr. Nicola Flavio Ruju - (Area manager)
tel. +39 070 675.6528 - fax +39 070 675.6525

dr. Simona Labieni - (Area staff)
tel. +39 070 675.6523 - fax +39 070 675.6525


Research grants fall into two categories:


- Institutional grants, which are awarded by the university from funds earmarked by the university's central bodies. They are activated by means of a single tender for all scientific areas of interest to the university and are awarded on the basis of projects submitted by candidates;

- grants on other funds are awarded by means of public selections announced by the university on the basis of:
1) on request of the departments and professors in charge within the framework of specific research projects with their own funding;
2) funding obtained by the university as beneficiary of grants and other donations of a liberal and/or rewarding nature allocated by the rector with his own decree.

Research grants may also be awarded for which there is no tender procedure:
a) candidates who are winners of scholarships financed by the European Union, selected within the framework of programmes with their own funding, aimed at training human research capital, developing skills and transferring knowledge through international mobility;
b) successful candidates in national, European and international comparative selections, relating to projects with their own funding, involving the award of a contract for the performance of research activities, when not otherwise regulated.


Research cheques may last between one and three years and may be renewed with one-year contracts. Grants may be renewed for a duration of less than one year and, in any case, not less than six months, exclusively for the performance of research projects, the expiry of which does not allow for grants of one-year duration. The total duration of the relationships established, including any renewals, may in any case not exceed six years, excluding the period during which the cheque was used to coincide with the PhD, within the maximum legal duration of the relative course.


The annual amount of the research grants is determined by the party intending to award them, on the basis of a minimum gross annual amount established by Ministerial Decree No. 102 of 9 March 2011. This amount may be increased up to a maximum of 30 per cent.

New regulations

Rector's Decree 1076 of 5 October 2021 

Previous regulations

Rectoral Decree 1309 of 22 December 2020

Rectoral Decree 48 of 21 January 2021 - Application of the amendment to the regulation for the awarding of research grants article 6 letter l)

Old regulations (in force until 28 December 2020)

Selections for the award of research grants pursuant to Law 240/2011


The research grant is an instrument for financing research activity intended for scholars with a professional scientific curriculum suitable for carrying out research activities. Introduced by Article 5, paragraph 6, of Law no. 449 of 27.12.1997, it was subsequently reorganised with the entry into force of Law no. 240 of 30.12.2010.

The University Research Grants Regulation (R.D. no. 623 of 15 April 2016) provides for two types of grants to be awarded through public selection:

1) Institutional grants: the Academic Senate, on the basis of the funding allocated annually by the Board of Directors, programmes the number of research grants to be awarded as follows
a) Upon the Rector's proposal, it allocates part of the grants to the presentation, by the candidates, of research projects on issues of relevant institutional interest;
b) it distributes among the departments the grants to be allocated to the presentation, by the candidates, of research projects on topics of specific interest.

Applicants may participate in the selection process if they have a PhD or, for the sectors concerned, a medical specialisation diploma, provided that they are in possession of adequate scientific production.

2) Grants on other funds: at the request of the departments and the professors in charge, within the framework of specific research projects with their own funding, granted by public or private entities. Those eligible for selection are individuals in possession of a PhD or, for the fields concerned, a medical specialisation diploma. Adequate scientific production is also required. A PhD is not required in the case of those with a master's degree, adequate scientific production and who have held research and advanced training contracts or scholarships for a total of no less than two years, even if not continuous.