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The University of Cagliari supports research projects involving professors and researchers from the University in collaboration with their international partners.


EU and USA grant office

The EU and USA grant office provides technical and administrative assistance to the researchers and the administrative offices of the University for the submission, management and reporting of European projects financed on competitive calls from the European Commission's framework programmes and from the National Institute of Health (NIH). In particular in the following 3 main stages:

  • Ex ante

Assistance in the preparation of the financial plan, during the grant agreement signing phase, support for the preparation of the consortium agreement, assistance in the preparation of the preliminary project documents and in all the interactions with the EU and the partners of the consortium.

  • In itinere

Assistance in administrative, financial, and accounting management for the correct project reporting and preparation of financial reports.

  • Ex post

Assistance in reviewing and preparing documentation in the event of economic and financial audits by the European Commission.

The office works in close collaboration with the Working Group for the Promotion and Participation in European Research Programmes, supporting the Delegate of the Rector for International Projects, Prof. Luigi Raffo.

In addition, the office collaborates with Apre, Agency for the promotion of the European Research,which provides information, support and assistance and training activities to enhance the participation of the University of Cagliari to the calls of the European framework programs. 


Simona Scalas

Directorate for Research and Territory
via San Giorgio 12 - entrance 3 (second floor) - 09124 Cagliari
tel. +39 070 675.8441


Rosamaria Porcu

Directorate for Research and Territory
via San Giorgio 12 - entrance 3 (second floor) - 09124 Cagliari
tel. +39 070 675.6560


Monica Marini

Directorate for Research and Territory
via San Giorgio 12 - entrance 3 (second floor) - 09124 Cagliari
tel.+39 070 6756526




Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe is the new European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation for the period 2021-2027.

With a total budget of around 100 billion euros, the new Framework Programme will continue to promote Europe's scientific excellence through the European Research Council (ERC) and the Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellowships with the scientific support and technical assistance of the Joint Research Centre (Jrc), but it will also focus strongly on strengthening and communicating the scientific, economic and social impact of the funded projects. to support scientific excellence in Europe in order to achieve ever better results from a social, political and economic point of view. Main novelties of the programme: the Missions, the revision of the European Partnerships, the European Innovation Council (Eic), strengthening of International Cooperation, reinforcement of the Open Science policy.

The Programme aims to:

  • Strengthen and disseminate excellence, frontier and basic research of excellence, fostering more inclusive and broad participation by citizens, to improve the link between research, innovation and, where appropriate, education and other policies;
  • To develop more competitive research infrastructures in the European Research Area by providing transnational access, to promote open science and to ensure public visibility by providing open access to scientific publications and research data;
  • Increase collaborative links in European R&I, across sectors and disciplines, with broader international cooperation and seeking to attract talented researchers through mobility;                          
  • Realising Europe's priorities and addressing global challenges affecting quality of life;
  • Implement more active and inclusive dissemination to encourage systematic use of R&I results, especially for leverage effect on private investment and policy development;
  • Set and achieve ambitious targets, through the use of missions, to stimulate R&I activities in SMEs and increase the number of innovative companies;
  • Encourage industrial competitiveness, innovative capacity and employment in Europe by improving access to venture capital.

Structure of the programme:

Pillar 1: Excellent Science
Supporting the creation and mobility of high-quality researchers, new methodologies, skills and knowledge

  • European Research Council: Frontier research with bottom-up approach;
  • Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions: intersectoral mobility and training for researchers with bottom-up approach;
  • Research Infrastructures: closer collaboration between infrastructures to extend the frontiers of knowledge.

Pillar 2: Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness 
Joint, compliant, and flexible actions to meet global challenges through industrial and technological competitiveness for inclusive and sustainable growth.

  • Clusters: with missions and partnerships, they will develop and introduce innovative technologies and solutions
  • Health 
  • Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society
  • Civil Security for Society
  • Digital, Industry and Space
  • Climate, Energy and Mobility
  • Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
  • Joint Research Centre

Pillar 3: Innovative Europe

  • European Innovation Council (Eic): support for ideas with pioneering and market-creating potential;
  • European Innovation ecosystems: creation of a favourable environment for the dissemination and development of innovation at all levels;
  • European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), through Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs): bringing together key players (research, education and business) around a common goal to foster innovation;

Transversal area: Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area

Implement concrete measures in support of widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area:

  • Increasing and widening participation and spreading excellence;
  • Reforming and relaunching the European Research and Innovation System.


Horizon Europe - the next research and innovation framework programme

APRE - Objective FP9: Horizon Europe

APRE - 2021 Horizon Europe

Horizon 2020 European Union Funding for Research & Innovation

Horizon 2020 (H2020) is the European Commission's main funding instrument for scientific research and innovation, with almost 80 billion euros of directly managed funds allocated for the years 2014-2020. More information and details can be found on the websites of the European Commission:
Horizon 2020 and the Funding & tender opportunities (formerly Participant Portal) where all open calls are published, selectable according to the topic of interest as well as the reference documents to participate in the programme.

The Participant Identification Code (Pic) issued by the European Commission to the University of Cagliari is the following: n° 999841663

The Lear (legal entity authorised representative) of the University of Cagliari is Dr Simona Scalas.


Horizon 2020 website

Funding & tender opportunities (Participant Portal)

APRE - Agency for the Promotion of European Research

Funded projects 

Open calls

All open calls of the Horizon Europe programme can be consulted through the European Commission's Funding & Tender Portal

National Institute of Health (Nih)

Nih is the largest public funder of biomedical research in the world.
With an annual budget of 32 billion dollars, the NIH aims to develop knowledge of the natural world and the behaviour of living systems to improve health, extend life and reduce disease and disability.
The funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) are of different types and use activity codes (e.g. R01, R03 etc.) to identify the wide variety of research programmes.

In order for a non-US entity to participate in a specific call, it is necessary that the eligibility criteria explicitly state that 'non-domestic (non-US) Entities (Foreign Institutions) are eligible to apply'.

Non-US applicants are advised to make contact with the NIH and/or its affiliated departments or have collaborations with US colleagues. They are also advised to emphasise how the proposed project is relevant to the goals of the NIH and its centres (ICs) and how it will lead to the improvement of medical science in the United States.

The funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) are of different types and use activity codes (e.g. R01, R03 etc.) to identify the wide variety of research programmes. Foreign institutions are normally eligible for the following types of research grants (R series):

  • "R01": programmes relating to specific topics and areas of interest of one or more Institutes/Centres belonging to the NIH -
  • "R03": research projects of reduced size, spread over a short period of time and with limited financial resources (e.g. pilot or feasibility studies; analysis of existing data; development of methodologies and/or new research technologies) -
  • "R21": exploratory studies with high risk/impact that develop new ideas/models of scientific systems, tools or technologies relevant to the development of knowledge in the field of health -
  • "R34": support for the development of protocols and procedures for proposed clinical trials, over a short research period (1 to 3 years) and with limited financial resources -

Projects can be submitted through the two linked portals and Era Common

Funded projects
Documents and useful links

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