Salta al contenuto principale

On 31 October 1620 Philip III of Spain signed the privilege of founding the University of Cagliari. 

More than 400 years have passed since the birth of this University, one of the most important in Italy.

Today, the University is divided into 6 Faculties and 15 Departments according to an organisation dedicated to the achievement of the University’s primary objectives: research, teaching and the third mission, at the service of the innovation required by today’s knowledge society.

With more than 24,750 enrolled students, 47 bachelor’s degrees, 38 master’s degrees, 34 graduate schools, 16 doctoral courses and 5 active masters, the University of Cagliari assures an important contribution for the advanced formation of the young people who choose to study in the Sardinian capital, as well as for the entire Island community.

The University of Cagliari is facing a profound renewal of its communication, starting from its visual identity

The aim is therefore to make institutional communication homogeneous, thus providing a unique, coordinated and therefore immediately recognisable image of the role it plays in all its activities, both internal and external to the University.