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Esse3 PA is the service that allows you to consult the University's database. In this section you will find the guide to consulting the data and the service agreements, as well as useful links for accessing them.

Accessing and using the service

In order to access the data consultation service, it is necessary for the legal representative of the requesting body to send, via CEM, to, the 'UniCa access authorisation request' form (shown below) signed with a digital signature.

Once the request has been approved and the access credentials have been obtained, it will be necessary to access the page, entering the credentials obtained. Please note that you will need to change your password the first time you access the system.

At the bottom you can download the tutorial ("Tutorial for accessing the UniCa database") with instructions on how to access, consult and verify the requested data. In particular, through the PA code reported in the self-certification or through the tax code of the student/former student/graduate it will be possible to verify the information released by the latter. Should the consultation not be successful, it is possible to report this by sending a CEM to

Below you can also view the service agreement for access to the "Esse3 PA" database of the University of Cagliari and the information on the processing of personal data for authorised users.