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"SARDINIA FORMED" (Sardinia for the Mediterranean) is a project financed by the Foundation of Sardinia for the promotion of international cooperation between the University Institutions of the Southern shore of the Mediterranean and Sardinia in order to ensure the mobility of students from the Universities of Tunis, Algiers I and "Mohammed V" of Rabat (soon to be extended to other universities) towards the Universities of Cagliari and Sassari.

The overall objective of "SARDEGNA FORMED" is to develop excellence in the field of higher education, to improve the recognition of university studies and qualifications, and to train highly qualified young men and women capable of meeting the challenges of globalisation and the new knowledge society.

To this end, the Fondazione di Sardegna has financed mobility grants for the benefit of students from Tunisia, Morocco, and Algeria, with the aim of enabling students from the southern shore of the Mediterranean to carry out their first- and second-cycle university studies in the facilities of Sardinian universities each year.

The Universities of Cagliari and Sassari contribute to the project by granting students from the Maghreb participating in the "SARDEGNA FORMED" initiative full exemption from university fees, and implement the project by providing the necessary organisational support and guaranteeing access to the reception services normally reserved for foreign students in mobility (entry visa in Italy, application for a residence permit, assistance in finding logistical accommodation in the city, access to canteens in Cagliari and Sassari, and language training in Italian).

UNIMED, the association of universities belonging to the countries bordering the Mediterranean basin, is collaborating with the project by handling cooperation relations with the Maghreb universities that are members of the "SARDEGNA FORMED" partnership and managing with them the selection procedures for the students benefiting from the initiative.

For their part, the beneficiary students are committed to attending courses and acquiring certain credit thresholds in order to continue to benefit from the grant.