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The enhancement of research quality and productivity are the strategic objectives of the University of Cagliari.
The expansion of the University's areas of excellence and specialisation makes it more attractive and competitive internationally.

Innovation and creation are closely linked to study, education and learning. UniCa promotes and encourages the international dimension of studies, teaching and scientific research.

International research programmes
The management and reporting of European projects financed on competitive calls of the European Commission's Framework Programmes.
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International cooperation
The strategies pursue the objective of promoting the circulation of people and ideas to broaden the dissemination of knowledge.
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International agreements
UniCa forges agreements with foreign universities for joint activities in teaching, research and training.
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Erasmus planning
The Erasmus+ programme supports cross-border mobility for European educational and training experiences of students and adult learners.
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The University of Cagliari offers all researchers the opportunity to initiate and/or strengthen collaborations by increasing networking.