With Law 240/2010, the so-called Gelmini Law, universities underwent a general organisational reorganisation.
Among the main innovations imposed by the reform, and contained in Article 2, there is the obligation to adopt a statute that meets the need for greater 'simplification, efficiency, effectiveness, transparency of administrative activity and accessibility of information relating to the university'.
From an organisational point of view, the composition, duration, and functions of the governing bodies (Rector, Academic Senate, Board of Directors, Board of Auditors, Evaluation Board, General Director) have been redefined.
In terms of teaching, the reform has assigned a central role to the departments, structures designed to ensure the organic and integrated exercise of teaching, research, and territorial service activities. Endowed with management, administrative and regulatory autonomy, they may organise themselves with common administrative structures, either for disciplinary affinity or for logistical reasons.
The six faculties are the connecting structures between several departments, grouped by homogeneous disciplinary areas. They perform coordination and management support functions for the departments, courses of study and specialisation schools. They also have the task of rationalising teaching activities and managing common services.
Supporting the teaching and research activities are the service centres, organisational structures that produce, deliver, and manage services and laboratories.
Pursuant to L.240/10, active since January 2012:
Department of Physics
Michele Saba
E-mail: michele.saba@dsf.unica.it
Administrative Secretarial Offices
Fernanda Marongiu
Department of Law
Maria Virginia Sanna
E-mail: mvsanna@unica.it
Administrative Secretarial Offices
Carla Congia
Department of Civil, Environmental Engineering and Architecture
Ivan Blečić
E-mail: ivanblecic@unica.it
Administrative Secretarial Offices
Alice Murru
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Carlo Muscas
E-mail: carlo.muscas@unica.it
Administrative Secretarial Offices:
Luigi Giordano
Department of Mechanical, Chemical and Materials Engineering
Antonio Baldi
E-mail: antonio.baldi@unica.it
Administrative Secretarial Offices:
Gabriele Usai
Department of Humanities, Languages and Cultural Heritage
Tiziana Pontillo
E-mail: pontillo@unica.it
Administrative Secretarial Offices
Serena Serra
Department of Mathematics and Informatics
Riccardo Scateni
E-mail: riccardo@unica.it
Administrative Secretarial Offices
Stefania Curto
Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy
Elisabetta Gola
E-mail: egola@unica.it
Administrative Secretarial Offices:
Sandro Deiana
Department of Biomedical Sciences
Iole Tomassini Barbarossa
E-mail: tomassin@unica.it
Administrative Secretarial Offices:
Francesca Falchi
Department of Chemical and Geological Sciences
Andrea Porcheddu
E-mail: porcheddu@unica.it
Administrative Secretarial Offices
Alessandra Secchi
Department of Surgical Sciences
Luigi Zorcolo
E-mail: zorcolo@medicina.unica.it
Administrative Secretarial Offices:
Alessandro Figliola
Department of Life and Environmental Sciences
Enzo Tramontano
E-mail: tramon@unica.it
Administrative Secretarial Offices:
Paola Vargiu
Department of Economics and Business
Patrizio Monfardini
E-mail: monfardini@unica.it
Administrative Secretarial Offices
Claudia Cottu
Department of Medical Sciences and Public Health
Luca Saba
E-mail: lucasaba@unica.it
Administrative Secretarial Offices:
Maurizio Loi
Department of Political and Social Sciences
Marco Pitzalis
E-mail: pitzalis@unica.it
Administrative Secretarial Offices
Giorgia Diana
Pursuant to Law 240/10 from May 2012 (DR 411/12) the following Faculties are established:
Faculties of Biology and Pharmacy
For information on the courses of study
President of the Faculty Council
Elio Maria Gioacchino Acquas
Presidential Secretary:
Antonella Cadoni
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
For information on study courses:
Engineering segringe@amm.unica.it
Architecture segrstudarchitettura@unica.it
President of the Faculty Council
Daniele Cocco
Presidential Secretary:
Elsa Lusso
Faculty of Medicine and Surgery
For information on the courses of study
President of the Faculty Council
Luca Saba
Presidential Secretary:
Giuseppe Antonio Manca
Faculty of Science
For information on the courses of study
President of the Faculty Council
Paolo Ruggerone
Presidential Secretary:
Erika Orrù
Faculty of Economic, Legal and Political Sciences
For information on study courses:
Economic sciences segrstudeconomia@unica.it
Legal sciences segrstudgiurisprudenza@amm.unica.it
Political Science segrstudscpol@unica.it
President of the Faculty Council
Nicola Tedesco
Presidential Secretary:
Marco Cubeddu
Faculty of Humanities
For information on the courses of study:
Education and Training Sciences, Psychological Sciences and Techniques, Communication Sciences, Primary Education Sciences, Psychology, Pedagogical Sciences and Educational Services segrstud_cds_scform@amm.unica.it
Cultural Heritage and Performing Arts, Philosophy, Humanities, Archaeology and Art History, Classical and Modern Philologies and Literatures, Multimedia Production, Philosophy and Communication Theories, History and Society segrstudlettere@unica.it
Languages and Communication, Languages and Cultures for Language Mediation, Modern European and American Languages and Literatures, Specialised Translation of Texts segreteriastudentilingue@unica.it
President of the Faculty Council
Antonello Mura
Presidential Secretary:
Antonella Marrosu
University Language Centre (CLA)
CEDIAF - University Service Centre for Didactics and Inclusion in Higher Educational Professions
Antonello Mura
Biodiversity Conservation Centre (CCB)
Gianluigi Bacchetta
Inter-University Centre for Industrial Relations Studies (CSRI)
University Service Centre for Stabular Studies (CeSASt)
University Service Centre for Research (CeSAR)
CREA UniCA - University Service Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Maria Chiara Di Guardo
Administrative Secretary
Silvia Del Rio
EFIS - Service Centre for e-learning and technological innovation in education
Gianni Fenu
UNICApress - University Service Centre for Academic Publishing
Antonio Maria Corda