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The CEntro INterdisciplinare di ricerche e studi di Genere (CEING) is a Centre of Excellence for the coordination of training and research activities based on gender mainstreaming guidelines, which are already present transversally in all the University's disciplinary areas. It also aims to support and encourage defining and participating in innovative research paths, on a national and international scale, in order to promote an inclusive culture and implement equality policies, ones capable of enhancing diversity and combating all forms of inequality linked to gender structures in an intersectional perspective. The CEING Centre constitutes an interactive space for study and research aimed at permanently involving high-profile specialist competences representing all the disciplinary souls present in UniCa, from the social, legal, political, and economic sciences to the psychological and pedagogical disciplines, humanities, medical sciences, up to all the STEM disciplines.

CEING researchers, in collaboration with the technical-administrative figures in charge of supporting, disseminating and communicating research activities, are called upon to cooperate along four main lines:

  1. The composition and coordination of research and higher education activities focused on gender issues and/or marked by a gender-sensitive frame that are already present and consolidated in UniCa's multiple departments, in order to favour their census, mutual knowledge, collaboration, the establishment of interdisciplinary operational networks and the promotion of economies of scale;
  2. The promotion and launch of innovative research projects of excellence, both in the specific field of gender studies (related to the evolution of socio-cultural paradigms linked to gender identities and roles in an intersectional and non-stereotypical key), and with reference to the application of a gender perspective in the scientific study of the most diverse phenomena (from the labour market to the multitude of family and relational models, to health and medicine, to climate change, to technological innovation, to political representation, to cultural and artistic production, to primary and secondary socialisation, to the composition of educational offerings from the primary pedagogical sphere to the academic field, etc.). ). To this end, the CEING Centre aims to guarantee a constantly updated monitoring of the main national and international tenders funding on gender issues, in order to prepare effective applications for them, representing UniCa, and to optimise its participation in both quantitative (number of projects funded) and qualitative terms (scientific prestige of the access lines and socialisation of the results achieved in the global scientific community);
  3. The preparation and offer of high-profile educational contents in the field of gender studies addressed to the entire academic community (e.g., intensive interdisciplinary workshops dedicated to PhD students and/or the most recently recruited researchers, training and refresher courses for technical-administrative and library staff, specialised and methodological support for the writing of degree and/or doctoral theses, etc.).
  4. The organisation of seminar and conference events of national and international relevance in order to consolidate the reputation and scientific standing of UniCa, which is already considered a benchmark with regards to gender policies in the national vademecum since the drafting of the Gender Equality Plan, circulated by CRUI in 2021. UniCa is already involved in numerous prestigious international projects on these issues.