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On this page you can find the special projects that the University of Cagliari offers to foreign students to support their reception:

  • Generazione UniCa, which offers scholarships to students with foreign citizenship who are descendants of Sardinian emigrants;
  • Erasmus for Ukraine at war to support, as part of the Erasmus+ Project, the incoming mobility of Ukrainian students and staff;
  • Unica4Refugees, dedicated to refugees, holders of international and humanitarian protection and asylum seekers resident in the Region of Sardinia;
  • Unicore, University Corridors for Refugees UNI-CO-RE 4.0, a project aimed at promoting and increasing opportunities to obtain Visa visas and scholarships for refugee students living in countries of first asylum;
  • AICS Project, created by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), which operates with the ambition of aligning Italy with its main European and international partners in its commitment to development;
  • Aula Confucio UniCa, born from the agreement with the Hanban (the National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, a non-profit institution affiliated to the Ministry of Education) in Beijing, through the Confucius Institute of Rome’s University La Sapienza, has as its main mission the dissemination of Chinese language and culture in our territory;
  • Sardinia Formed (Sardinia for the Mediterranean), a project for the promotion of international cooperation between university institutions from the southern shore of the Mediterranean and Sardinia.

For further information, please visit the following page:

Through the UniCa Generation programme, the University of Cagliari has launched a selection process to award 12 scholarships for students with foreign citizenship who are descendants of Sardinian emigrants, including third- and fourth-generation immigrants residing in a non-EU country.

The aim of the programme is to familiarise students with the University of Cagliari and the culture and language of our island, while at the same time enabling them to attend in-presence courses for Bachelor's and Master's degrees, advanced courses in Italian and traineeship activities.

The study stay will last between three and six months and will take place between 1 February and 31 July 2024. The project, which is part of the UniCa Generation programme, aims to strengthen the University of Cagliari's collaboration with representatives of Sardinian clubs around the world and encourage the university's internationalisation process.

Applications must be submitted by 14:00 on 30 September 2023.

Announcement UniCa Generation

UniCa Generation 2023 - Application Form

Write to for enquiries about solidarity activities and initiatives for Ukrainian students and teachers

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UniCa has taken action to support the Ukrainian community at this difficult time.

In order to further support Ukrainian students and staff, the European Commission has decided that incoming mobility of Ukrainian students and staff to participate in mobility activities supported by EU internal policy funds can be exceptionally funded under the Erasmus+ Project.

The call for Erasmus grants for Ukrainian students and staff who intend to carry out a mobility experience at this University has been issued. There are 9 Erasmus mobility grants: 6 are reserved for students, 3 are reserved for staff

ERASMUS funding is aimed at:

- Students enrolled at a Ukrainian Higher Education Institution at the time of the flight from Ukraine due to the war conflict to carry out mobility for study or traineeship;

- Staff employed at a Ukrainian higher education institution at the time of the flight from Ukraine due to the war conflict to carry out mobility for teaching activities, including mobility of professors invited by companies, and for mobility for staff training.

The activities must take place at the University of Cagliari, which will be the only entity involved in the organisation of the mobility in case the Institute cannot be involved due to the ongoing conflict.


Participants may receive contributions for individual support and travel until the available funds are exhausted.

The individual contribution for incoming mobility of Ukrainian students and staff is as follows:

Student mobility € 1,050 per month (€ 800.00 + € 250.00 additional contribution for minor opportunities);

Staff mobility € 160,00 per day; 

The application form, filled in on the basis of the form attached to this news, must be sent to by 26 August 2022

For further information on the two initiatives, please contact our offices at the following references 

E-mail: (students) or (teaching or administrative staff) 

Telephone: +39 070/6756538


The Responsible Official

Anna Maria Aloi 


Call Erasmus Ukraine
Call Erasmus Ukraine - English

Ukraine Scholarships and Mobility

UniCa 4 Refugees


  • Activation of actions dedicated to refugees, holders of international and humanitarian protection and asylum seekers residing in the Region of Sardinia, in order to improve access to the University, facilitate the recognition of foreign qualifications and encourage job start-up. The actions will be managed through the "SMILE" desk, set up by the Student Mobility Sector to support foreign students intending to enrol at the University of Cagliari, in cooperation with the Protection System for Asylum Seekers and Refugees (SPRAR) and, in particular, with the Local Authorities and Associations collaborating in the management of the centres in Southern Sardinia. 

Planned activities:

  • Provide a 'face-to-face' linguistic-cultural mediation service to facilitate communication between university staff and refugees interested in enrolling in UNICA and inform them about the university's logistical and administrative organisation. 
  • Facilitate the production of documents required for access to university education in collaboration with the CIMEA (Centre for Information on Academic Equivalences), which plays an informative and advisory role in the recognition of foreign qualifications, and with Office VII of the DGSP (General Directorate for the Promotion of the Country System) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Activating procedures for the recognition of qualifications of subjects lacking the necessary documentation (self-certification, skills tests, interviews).
  • Activation of Italian language learning paths (in addition to the literacy already envisaged in their reception path) aimed at achieving certification of competence at least at level B1, in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Whenever possible, "linguistic tandems" will be activated, alongside Italian students studying Arabic or other useful languages, in order to achieve better integration, as well as a mutually beneficial cultural exchange.
  • Awarding of Online Linguistic Support (OLS) language licences provided for by the Erasmus+ Community programme to facilitate online learning of European languages available on the appropriate platform. 
  • Exemption from the payment of enrolment fees for students intending to enrol in Degree Courses, Single-Cycle Degree Courses and Master's Degree Courses at the University of Cagliari from AY 2016/2017.
  • Support for the acquisition of textbooks, through extended loans in agreement with the University Library System or through contributions for purchase.
  • Credit recognition for LM students who carry out tutoring activities for this particular category of students, with particular reference to exam preparation.     
  • Possibility of enrolling on individual courses, with fee waiver, to acquire the curricular requirements for students wishing to enrol on Master's degree courses. 
  • Provision of professional work experience placements at the various university facilities, to improve direct knowledge of the world of work and promote work integration. 
  • Monthly monitoring of the service through the analysis and collection of data and numbers relating to access, with the drafting of a monthly report.
  • Activation of a training course for cultural mediators.

University Corridors for Refugees UNI-CO-RE 5.0

Call for applications for 2 scholarships UNICORE 5.0

The call for applications for the UNICORE - University Corridors for Refugees Project has been published.

Promoted by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), UNICORE aims to enable refugee students in Kenya, Niger, Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe to continue their academic studies at Italian universities.

For the fifth edition of the project (UNICORE 5.0), the University of Cagliari is offering 2 scholarships to access some master’s degree courses. 

The deadline for submitting applications is 19 May 2023, 1pm (Italian time).


Call Unicore 5.0 selection notice - Italian
UniCa Unicore 5 call
Entry requirements Master Programmes Unicore 5

Application form Unicore 5.0
University corridors: an opportunity for refugee students


The UNICORE project - University corridors for Refugees 

The University of Cagliari is also among the 33 Italian universities taking part in the UNICORE - University corridors for Refugees project to give 69 refugees the opportunity to pursue their academic career in Italy. The students will be selected on the basis of merit and motivation through a public call for applications.

The project offers refugees the opportunity to arrive in Italy in a regular and safe manner to pursue their studies, in line with the UNHCR, UN Refugee Agency's goal of strengthening regular entry channels for refugees and achieving a 15% enrolment rate in tertiary education programmes in countries of first asylum and third countries by 2030.

The UNICORE project started in 2019 with an initial pilot phase during which six students were accepted by two universities, and then expanded with the participation of 20 and 45 students in 2020 and 2021 respectively. In its fourth edition, the project expands again to include refugees from Cameroon, Niger and Nigeria for the first time.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, UNHCR, Caritas Italiana, Diaconia Valdese and Centro Astalli, as well as a wide network of local partners collaborate in the project. They will provide the necessary support to the students during the two-year master degree programme and foster their integration into university life.


33 Italian universities are participating in the UNICORE project

The participating universities in 2022 are: University of Bari, University of Sannio of Benevento, University of Bergamo, University of Brescia, University of Cagliari, University of Campania 'Luigi Vanvitelli' of Caserta, University of Catania, University of Studies 'G. d'Annunzio" Chieti - Pescara, University of Florence, University of L'Aquila, University of Salento (Lecce), University of Messina, University of Milan “Statale”, University of Milan “Bicocca”, University of Milan “Bocconi”, Polytechnic University of Milan, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, University of Naples L'orientale, University of Palermo, University of Padua, University of Parma, University for Foreigners of Perugia, University of Pisa, Luiss Guido Carli Rome, University of Rome La Sapienza, University of Siena, University for Foreigners of Siena, University of Turin, Polytechnic University of Turin, Iuav University of Venice, University of Eastern Piedmont (Vercelli), University of Verona, University of Eastern Piedmont (Vercelli), University of Verona, University of Tuscia Viterbo.


University corridors: an opportunity for refugee students

The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) is one of the novelties of the cooperation reform law (Law no. 125/2014).

It started operating in January 2016 with the ambition of aligning Italy with its main European and international partners in its development efforts. 

It is a model employed in all major European countries and must respond to the need for a more professional and innovative cooperation, with the necessary degree of flexibility of instruments in an ever-changing scenario.

The new law sets out the objectives of cooperation in the eradication of poverty, the reduction of inequalities, the affirmation of human rights and the dignity of individuals - including gender equality and equal opportunities -, conflict prevention and support for peace-building processes.

For further information, please visit:

Logo Aula Confucio.png

In December 2014, the University of Cagliari signed an agreement with the Hanban (the National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, a non-profit institution affiliated to the Ministry of Education) in Beijing (through the Confucius Institute of Rome/La Sapienza) to set up a Confucius Classroom within our university, whose main mission will be to disseminate the Chinese language and culture in our territory, through the organisation of Chinese language courses (at all levels) and initiatives relating to Chinese culture.

The year 2014 marked an important milestone for all the Confucius Institutes (broadly speaking, the Chinese counterpart of the British Council, the Goethe Institute, and the Alliance Française) as it marked the 10th year since the creation of the first of them in Seoul in 2004. Since then, the number of Confucius Institutes worldwide has grown exponentially. Currently, there are over 500 Confucius Institutes active in 134 countries and 1000 Confucius Classes. To date, Italy hosts 11 Institutes, distributed among Rome (La Sapienza), Naples (IUO), Bologna, Milan (2, one in Milan Statale and one in Milan UCSC), Turin, Venice, Macerata, Pisa, Padua. Conversely, there are 34 Confucius Classes.

The teaching of the Chinese Language has been active at the University of Cagliari since 2001. Currently, with the start of the activities of the University of Cagliari's Aula Confucio, Chinese language courses have been organised in five upper secondary schools.

Even before its inauguration, the University of Cagliari's Confucius Classroom had already held three Chinese Language and Culture courses of 40 hours each at the Classical High School 'Vittorio Emanuele II'’s National Boarding School, the 'G.M. Dettori' classical high school and the 'Deledda-De Sanctis' Foreign Language High School. Two other courses are currently underway at the 'Euclide' classical/scientific high school and the technical/economic high school 'Pietro Martini'.

Go to the Confucius Hall website

"SARDINIA FORMED" (Sardinia for the Mediterranean) is a project financed by the Foundation of Sardinia for the promotion of international cooperation between the University Institutions of the Southern shore of the Mediterranean and Sardinia in order to ensure the mobility of students from the Universities of Tunis, Algiers I and "Mohammed V" of Rabat (soon to be extended to other universities) towards the Universities of Cagliari and Sassari.

The overall objective of "SARDEGNA FORMED" is to develop excellence in the field of higher education, to improve the recognition of university studies and qualifications, and to train highly qualified young men and women capable of meeting the challenges of globalisation and the new knowledge society.

To this end, the Fondazione di Sardegna has financed mobility grants for the benefit of students from Tunisia, Morocco, and Algeria, with the aim of enabling students from the southern shore of the Mediterranean to carry out their first- and second-cycle university studies in the facilities of Sardinian universities each year.

The Universities of Cagliari and Sassari contribute to the project by granting students from the Maghreb participating in the "SARDEGNA FORMED" initiative full exemption from university fees, and implement the project by providing the necessary organisational support and guaranteeing access to the reception services normally reserved for foreign students in mobility (entry visa in Italy, application for a residence permit, assistance in finding logistical accommodation in the city, access to canteens in Cagliari and Sassari, and language training in Italian).

UNIMED, the association of universities belonging to the countries bordering the Mediterranean basin, is collaborating with the project by handling cooperation relations with the Maghreb universities that are members of the "SARDINIA FORMED" partnership and managing with them the selection procedures for the students benefiting from the initiative.

For their part, the beneficiary students are committed to attending courses and acquiring certain credit thresholds in order to continue to benefit from the grant.

List of student beneficiaries of the FORMED 2023/2024 project

Research and cooperation programmes
Lynda Benhaha, from Algeria to Cagliari for her degree in International Relations
Formed, parchments for the first four Maghrebi graduates


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