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This section shows researchers the research funding programmes, which are managed by the Ministry of Education, University and Research as well as by other ministries.

Through annual calls, Prin (Research Programmes of Relevant National Interest) co-finance research projects of a free character (that is, without references to predefined themes) proposed by universities.

For further information, please visit the PRIN – Projects of Remarkable National Interest section of the italian website.

Fisr (Special Supplementary Fund for Research) finances "specific interventions of particular strategic importance, indicated in the National Research Programme (PNR) and its updates for the achievement of the general objectives", (Article 1, paragraph 3, Legislative Decree 204 of 1998).

For further information, please visit the FISR - Special Supplementary Fund for Research section of the italian website.

POS (Health Operational Plan) was approved by the Resolution of the Interministerial Committee for Economic Planning (CIPE) No. 15 of 28 February 2018 from the Fund for Development and Cohesion (FSC) 2014-2020. The total budget was of 200 million euros; it was part of the unitary process of strategic and operational programming for the 2014-2020 period, in line with the National Strategy of Smart Specialization (SNSI) - area of specialisation "Health, nutrition and quality of sight", the National Research Programme (PNR) and the SNSI Health Implementation Plan.

It is divided into five development Trajectories to which specific Public Notices correspond within the relevant Action Lines:

Trajectory 1 "Active & Healthy Ageing - Technologies for active ageing and home care”;

Trajectory 2 "eHealth, advanced diagnostics, medical device and mini-invasiveness";

Trajectory 3 "Regenerative, predictive and personalised medicine";

Trajectory 4 "Biotechnology, bioinformatics and pharmaceutical development";

Trajectory 5 "Nutraceuticals, nutrigenomics and functional foods".


Projects funded at UniCA

ProjectTrajectoryFunding allocated to UniCA
Genotyping to increase the predictive capabilities, diagnostics, and therapeutic personalisation of two high-impact complex neurodegenerative diseases: Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s Disease        3€ 1.897.000,00
Hybrid Hub (H2UB): Cellular and computational models, micro and nanotechnologies for the customisation of innovative therapies        4€ 3.378.112,00
Creation of an action programme to combat malnutrition in all its forms and to spread the principles of the Mediterranean diet        5€ 80.000,00

Established by the Sostegni bis decree (art.61, dl 73-2021), FIS (Italian Fund for Science) supports fundamental research in the context of high-qualification research programmes.

For further information, please visit the FIS – Italian Fund for Science section of the italian website

FISA (Italian Fund for Applied Sciences), established by the 2022 budget law, aims to promote the competitiveness of the national production system, through the enhancement of industrial research and experimental development.

For further information, please visit the FISA – Italian Fund for Applied Sciences section of the italian website.

Through the Ministerial Decree no. 737 of 25 June 2021, the Ministry of Universities and Research defined the criteria for allocation and use of the resources referred to in the Fund for the promotion and development of the policies of the National Research Programme in favour of University, Public bodies and research institutions.

The University of Cagliari received 2,686,305.04 euros for the year 2021 and 2,795,925.00 euros for the year 2022, in order to carry out the following interventions:

• activation of fixed-term contracts referred to in letter a) of Article 24, paragraph 3, of Law 240/2010;

• research initiatives preparatory to the submission of research projects under the first pillar of the Framework Programme for Research "Horizon Europe";

• measures to strengthen research infrastructures;

• collaborative research between universities and/or Public Research Entities within a project consistent with the PNR, in order to achieve a higher added value than that achievable individually;

• Interdisciplinary research initiatives exploring cross-cutting issues for PNR, without restrictions based on adherence to reference scientific fields or priority thematic areas.

Below are the actions initiated by the University of Cagliari:

- recruitment of 9 RTDa on three-year contracts;

- establishment of the Working Group «Progetta Horizon»;

- strengthening of technical staff working in Centres and Laboratories;

- Research project “Settlements, population and migration in ancient Sardinia and the Mediterranean. Archaeological practice and dissemination of data: open access, open data and open science”;

- research project “The economic and social impact of the University of Cagliari on the territory”;

- research project «Establishment, foundation and activation of the interdisciplinary centre for research and gender studies (CEING)»;

- Start-up Call for funding interdisciplinary research projects for young researchers.