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A patent is an exclusive right granted to an invention (e.g., a product or process that provides a new way to accomplish something, or that offers a new technical solution to a problem). It offers protection for the invention for a limited period, usually 20 years from the date of deposit, in the state or states where it is granted.

UniCa Liaison Office provides the necessary organisational support by carrying out the following activities:

  • It receives the invention communications and proposals for the assignment of researchers's rights to the inventions achieved;
  • It supports the management and exploitation strategies of industrial property through patenting, industrial secrecy, registration using external professional consultants;
  • It supports the commercial valorisation strategies of industrial property titles and know-how of the University;
  • It supports the dissemination of the culture of protection and valorisation of industrial property;
  • It supports the drafting of the preliminary investigation for the Board.

UniCa Liaison Office is the University Industrial Liaison Office (ILO). It has the task of linking the University's research activities with the needs of the productive world and the region, in order to promote technology transfer and contribute to regional socio-economic development.

Collaborating with ILO allows companies to access the University of Cagliari's wealth of knowledge and expertise, cope with technological and market change by outsourcing innovation and gain a competitive advantage.

The University of Cagliari supports its lecturers and researchers in applying for and obtaining patents. More than 40 patents have been granted so far; the list is available at the following link:

Patents of the University of Cagliari

National legislation

To consult the legislation about patents:

10 February 2005 Legislative Decree, n. 30 – Industrial Property Code

Art. 45 – L.D. 10 February 2005, n. 30 – Industrial Property Code

Art. 64 – L.D. 10 February 2005, n. 30 – Industrial Property Code

Art. 65 – L.D. 10 February 2005, n. 30 – Industrial Property Code


Patents Regulation

To consult the regulations, please download the attached file:

In this section you can download the forms for the communication of invention and proposal of transfer of property rights:

Competences in the field of spin-offs

  • It carries out the evaluation of the University's spin-off proposals;
  • It carries out the annual verification of the activities and results of the spin-offs, as well as the feasibility of their future lines of activity;
  • It assesses the appropriateness of the spin-off status continuation.

Competences in the field of patents

  • It evaluates proposals for the management of rights to inventions submitted by researchers at the University;
  • It assesses the appropriateness of territorial extension of patent applications, as well as the maintenance of patents owned by the University;
  • It assesses proposals for licensing or assignment of industrial property to the University by third parties and the University's proposals for assignment to third parties, as well as the renegotiation of licences.

Members of the patents and spin off’s technical commission

The new Technical Commission for patents and spin-offs has been appointed with RD n. 966/2021.

Listed below are the members’ profiles:

  • prof. Fabrizio Giulio Luca Pilo – President;
  • prof. Sebastiano Banni, physiology expert;
  • prof. Cristiano Cincotti, business law expert;
  • prof. Francesca Esposito, microbiology expert;
  • prof. Giorgio Giacinto, information processing systems expert;
  • prof. Marco Pistis, pharmacology expert;
  • prof. Diego Angelo Gaetano Reforgiato Recupero, IT expert;
  • prof. Giorgia Sarais, food chemistry expert;
  • prof. Angela Serpe, general and inorganic chemistry expert;
  • prof. Alessandro Spano, business economics expert; 
  • prof. Piercarlo Ricci, experimental physics expert;
  • dr. Orsola Macis, official responsible for UniCa’s Liaison Office – administrative manager for the procedure and secretary, non-voting member.

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