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SHARPER Night 2023, the European Night of Researchers, has been held in Cagliari on 29 September 2023 in the wonderful setting of the municipal public gardens in Largo Dessì.

SHARPER has always offered an opportunity to share with the wider public the passion that drives the daily work of researchers.

For the 2023 edition, the events have been organised in five different formats:

INTERACTIVE LABORATORIES: spaces dedicated to an audience of young people, adults, families, in which to experience practical activities, interact with prototypes, listen to the engaging story of projects or research results.

YOUTH SPACE: games, exercises, workshops designed for one or more of these age groups: 3-5 years - 6-11 years - 12-17 years.

TALK "MEETINGS WITH RESEARCH": informal conversations on a research topic with a strong character of public interest, at the centre of public debate, or related to highly topical issues.

TALK "HOW DOES IT WORK? WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE?”: "Pills" of popularisation that will illustrate in simple terms, but with scientific depth and rigour, the working mechanisms of phenomena, objects, structures, organisms of all kinds.

INVITATION TO THE MUSEUM: guided tours and extraordinary openings of galleries and museums in the Citadel of Museums in Piazza Arsenale, plus a special treasure hunt through the rooms of the Municipal Art Gallery!

The complete programme can be downloaded from this page and is also available on the national project website


The SHARPER programme starts before 29 September with special initiatives dedicated to the schools of Monserrato, meetings at the University Prison Campus in its Uta and Massama sites, and more.

The programme was preceded, during the school year, by initiatives dedicated to the world of schools: 'Researchers@school', which saw researchers involved in various appointments specifically designed for classes. The most recent meetings involved eight young PhD students who met with four classes in the final year of the secondary school of Monserrato Comprehensive Institute to talk about the motivations, challenges and prospects behind the choice to start a PhD programme.

Also anticipating SHARPER are the meetings organised by the University Prison Campus at the Uta and Massama prisons.

The special live meetings during the Marathon of connections from all the squares are also part of SHARPER, and in particular:

  • the conncetion from the MUACC University Museum for Contemporary Arts and Cultures
  • the interview with the scientific head of the ERC REDIRECT project, by a very young special interviewer!
  • the link from Lula to talk about the scientific aspects of the Einstein Telescope project (an appointment in collaboration with INFN, the Municipality of Nuoro and the University of Sassari).


SHARPER 2023 is funded by the European Commission (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, GA 101061553) and co-funded by the Fondazione di Sardegna and is organised by the Directorate for Research and Territory, with the valuable contribution of all the University's Departments, Directorates and Museums.