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Law 190 of 2012 introduced a new system of rules aimed at preventing corruption. Public administrations are now called upon to ensure high standards of transparency and adequate measures to detect unlawful conduct, prevent it from occurring, and create an unfavourable environment to prevent it from developing.

It should be clarified that corruption is understood to be all the various situations in which a malfunctioning of the administration due to the use of public power for private purposes (e.g. employee in conflict of interest) or there is pollution of the administrative action from outside (e.g. employee receiving an extra-threshold gift) is revealed, whether this action is successful or remains at the level of an attempt.

In this online section, the University concretely demonstrates its willingness to implement the objectives of the legislation by presenting the corruption prevention measures adopted and guaranteeing the possibility of communicating with the administration in order to obtain clarifications, provide suggestions and make reports of unlawful conduct to the Official of Prevention of Corruption (whistleblowing).

The Official of Prevention of Corruption, pursuant to Law No. 190 of 6 November 2012, is the Director of the Environment, Security and Audit Division: Dr. Marco Maxia - Rectoral Decree appointing the Head (PDF file) / email: - telephone: +39 070 675 6544

Below are some of the corruption prevention measures adopted by the University:

Integrated Administration and Organisation Plan (PIAO)

The PIAO, which has absorbed several Plans, including the Three-Year Plan for the Prevention of Corruption, presents in section 2.3 the areas at risk of corruption identified by the University, the prevention measures, the timescales for their adoption and the persons in charge of their management (Annexes A, B and C). (Read more)

University Code of Conduct

The University Code of Conduct establishes the rules of conduct to be adopted by all employees of the University of Cagliari and outlines further specific safeguards for the prevention of corruption such as, for example, the obligation to abstain in case of conflict of interest and the limit for receiving gifts. (Read more)

Anti-corruption and transparency training activities and events

Corruption prevention measures include specific training courses/seminars for employees and other activities, such as the 'Transparency Day', dedicated to raising awareness of the issue. (Read more)