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The first university project on gender issues funded under the Horizon 2020 programme


SUPERA is a project funded by the Horizon 2020 programme through which 6 European research organisations (4 universities and 2 research funding organisations) are developing plans that will contribute to overcoming gender inequalities in academia. 

A video presentation of the project with Italian subtitles is available at this link.

Click here to download the project brochure: SUPERA brochure

Through the adoption of the Gender Equality Plan, the University of Cagliari proposes itself as a strategic agent for the promotion of the European founding principle of gender equality, in its dual role as a place of socialisation for the fight against inequalities and the application of the principles of equity of substantive citizenship, and as a work organisation characterised by various diversities that can translate into the risk of inequalities in the distribution of positions and in progression along professional paths.

The way scientific knowledge is generated, in fact, is not detached from the overall structural system, which reproduces gender inequalities within research organisations. Research activity that is not free of gender stereotypes can fuel discrimination and limit equal opportunities within organisations themselves.

The undergraduate and postgraduate research and education sector has a particular educational mission, which calls for specific actions to overcome gender gaps.

The Gender Equality Plans fit into this perspective as key instruments to generate structural changes in training organisations and achieve the bridging of gender gaps.

See the Gender Equality Plan on the UNICApress website

Presentation meetings

Presentation event at the university. University of Cagliari, 14/01/2019.

Presentation meeting at Unica's Gender equality Hub. University of Cagliari, 8/05/2019.

Presentation to the university of the results of the baseline analysis. University of Cagliari, 10/07/2019.

Communication and dissemination

  • European Researchers' Night (2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021).
  • European Conference for Gender equality in Higher Education. Trinity College, Dublin, 20-22 August 2018.
  • International Conference 'Inequality vs inclusiveness in changing academic governance: policies, resistances, opportunities'. Naples, University of Federico II 16-17 September 2019.
  • Live interview with "She is a scientist" on promoting gender equality in research institutions (15 July 2020), available at this link.
  • 25 November all year round. Work-life balance, smart working and gender inequality, 25/11/2020. 

Listening and analysis, participatory events

  • Baseline analysis: document analysis, data study in cooperation with all directorates, dissemination of a questionnaire to staff and students/students. January-March 2019.
  • First participatory event with female and male PhD students on gender issues in the career path. University of Cagliari, 4 October 2019.
  • Promotion of the survey "Working conditions, perceptions of time use and academic performance following the Covid-19 health emergency".
  • 28-29 October 2019: site visit by Prof. Maxime Forest (Sciences Po, Paris) in charge of the project's internal monitoring activities. Technical workshop in collaboration with RAS.
  • Focus group with Heads of Departments on gender inequalities. University of Cagliari, 29 October 2019.
  • Fab Lab on gender bias in career management with PhD students, October 2019.
  • Fab Lab on work-life balance with administrative and technical staff, November-December 2019.
  • Fab Lab on sexual harassment and sexism with faculty members, February 2020.


  • Gender biases in Wikipedia. Seminar for female students, on the occasion of the International Conference "Gender and leadership in Higher Education and Research", 9-11/11/2020.
  • Gender bias in professional and career choices in the academy. Workshop and seminar for PhD and postgraduate school students and holders of research grants and fellowships, 20-21/05/2021.
  • Gender Gap in the University. Workshop and seminar for students on doctoral and postgraduate courses and holders of research grants and cheques, 27-28/05/2021.
  • Course in Public Communication - Bachelor of Science in Communication: design of gender-sensitive social communication campaigns, January-February 2021.

Manuela Aru, research fellow, Dept. of Political and Social Sciences

Silvia Balia, Dept. of Economics and Business Sciences;

Barbara Barbieri, Dept. of Political and Social Sciences;

Cristina Cabras, Dept. of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy;

Giorgia Cadeddu, Research Fellow, Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering;

Paola Carboni, Directorate for Research and Territory;

Ester Cois, Dept. of Political and Social Sciences, Chairperson CUG;

Michela Cordeddu, Research Fellow, Dept. of Political and Social Sciences;

Silvia De Simone, Dept. of Pedagogy, Psychology, Philosophy;

Paola Fadda, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences and CUG - Single Guarantee Committee;

Alessandro Lovari, Dept. of Political and Social Sciences;

Francesco Mola, Dept. of Economics and Business Sciences, Rector of UNICA;

Luigi Raffo, Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Delegate for international research projects and scientific head of SUPERA;

Simona Scalas, Directorate for Research and Territory, EU/US Projects Support Area;

Giovanni Sulis, Dept. of Economics and Business Sciences;

Clementina Casula, Dept. of History, Cultural Heritage and Territory, also participated in the UNICA working group.

Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) (Coordinator, research organisation);

University of Cagliari (Italy, research organisation);

Central European University (Hungary, research organisation);

Centro de Estudios sociais (Portugal, research organisation);

Regione autonoma della Sardegna (Italy, research funding body);

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaciòn (Spain, research funding body);

Sciences Po Paris (France, technical partner responsible for training and skills development);

Yellow Window (Belgium, technical partner responsible for internal monitoring).

To receive updates on project activities and key results, please subscribe via the registration form.

The SUPERANews newsletter archive is available at this link.