International Students Mobility Office KAralis (Ismoka)
This is the office that deals with international mobility for the University of Cagliari. Every year it is the port of arrival and departure for hundreds of students, professors, and PhD students who from and to Unica participate in the EU and international mobility programmes, and in the cultural, linguistic and skills exchange that Unica and Universities worldwide continue to promote in order to favour international cooperation in education, training and research.
Thanks to Ismoka, students can apply for and access EU and international mobility programmes such as Erasmus plus - which allows students to stay for study, traineeships and thesis reports in one of 400 European institutions - and the non-European programmes - Globus and Erasmus Mundus - with no less than 728 active agreements around the globe. Professors, PhD students and administrative staff of the University can also take advantage of mobility opportunities with dedicated agreements and programmes.
The ISMOKA Offices are located on the Campus Aresu in Via San Giorgio, with a staff of ten operators, guest quarters for international guests and a reception room animated by the volunteers of the ESN - Erasmus Students Network association.
Address: Campus Aresu - Via San Giorgio 12/2, 09124 Cagliari
Opening hours to the public
For UniCa students: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
For foreign students: from Monday to Thursday from 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
The Ismoka staff:
Anna Maria Aloi
Head of Ismoka that deals with all projects in the sector.
Email: erasmus@unica.it; teams: annam.aloi@unica.it
Vanessa Carboni
Financial management procedures and reporting on funding relevant to the internationalisation projects managed directly; mobility for teachers and staff: MOSTA, MOSGLOB and UNICAFORSTAFF.
Email: vcarboni@amm.unica.it; teams: vanessa.carboni@unica.it
Antonella Contini
International Credit Mobility Erasmus+ KA171; Erasmus traineeship UE and ExtraUE; Traineeship Maeci/Crui.
Email: ismoka_tirocini@unica.it - erasmuska107@unica.it; teams: antonella.contini2@unica.it
Maria Chiara Garaldi
Smile Office Registration of incoming exchange students (Erasmus+, Globus and other Extra UE programs).
Email: incoming@unica.it; teams: mariac.garaldi@unica.it
Fabrizio Lay
Smile Office Managing activities regarding international students' access to courses of all different levels and our Italian language Courses erasmusalfa.
Email: incoming@unica.it; teams: fabrizio.lay@unica.it
Stefania Melas
Bilateral agreements Erasmus+; International Agreements and Networks
EWP - European Student Card.
email: bilateral@unica.it; teams: stefania.melas@unica.it
Alessandra Mele
UNICAforStaff outgoing; Mosdoc and Placedoc activities.
Email: ismokadocdot@unica.it; teams: alessandra.mele@unica.it
Sabrina Mereu
Payment Missions abroad for our teachers and staff.
Email: ismokamissioni@unica.it; teams: sabrina.mereu@unica.it
Alessandra Murru
Recognition of study abroad experiences in ECTS.
Email: alessandra.murru@unica.it; teams: alessandra.murru@unica.it
Ihab Rizk Soliman
Smile Office
Services designed for all types of international degree seeking students.
Email: foreignstudents@unica.it; teams: ihabr.soliman@unica.it
Katalin Vegvari
Guest House UNICA
Incoming Erasmus Visiting Teachers and Staff.
Email: foresteria@unica.it; teams: katalin.vegvari@unica.it
An International Mobility Desk is available in each Faculty to provide information and assistance to students and Professors, with attention to the peculiarities and opportunities of the Faculty they belong to:
Faculty of Biology and Pharmacy - Faculty of Sciences
Contacts: erasmus.biofarmscienze@unica.it; Phone: 070 675 3836
In-person/phone reception hours: University Citadel, Block A, CeSar entrance
Tuesday 10:00 - 13:00
Thursday 10:00 - 13:00
Online reception hours: Teams: Monday - Wednesday - Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., address: ciro.francioso@unica.it
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
Contacts: erasmus.ingarc@unica.it; Phone: 070 675 5110
In-person reception hours: Aresu Campus, Via San Giorgio 12, Main building, first floor, left of stairs
Tuesday 15:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 11:00 - 13:00
Thursday 11:00 - 13:00
Online/telephone reception hours: Teams: Monday - Tuesday - Friday, 10:00 - 12:00, address: emanuela.rubiu@unica.it
Faculty of Medicine and Surgery
Contacts: erasmus.medicina@unica.it; Phone: 070 675 3156
Office hours in presence/ telephone:
Monday 11:00 - 13:00
Tuesday 15:00 - 17:00
Thursday 11.00 -13.00
Online office hours: Teams: Tuesday- Wednesday -Friday, 10:00 12:00, address: barbara.zuzolo@unica.it
Faculty of Economics, Law and Political Sciences
Contacts: erasmus.segp@unica.it; Phone: 070 675 6623
Office hours in presence/ telephone:
Tuesday 10:00 - 13:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 13:00
Thursday 15:00 - 17:00
Online office hours: Teams: Monday - Thursday -Friday, 10:00 12:00, address: daniela.poddesu@unica.it
Different appointment hours can be agreed on Teams.
Faculty of Humanities
Contacts: erasmus.studum@unica.it; Phone: 070 675 7283
Office hours in presence: Campus Aresu, Via San Giorgio 12, Main building, first floor, left of stairs
Tuesday 15:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 12:00
Thursday 10:00 - 13:00
Online/telephone reception hours: Monday - Tuesday -Friday, 10:00 12:00, on Teams; address: silvia.baita@unica.it