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Since 2016, the University of Cagliari has participated in the Erasmus+ KA107 International Credit Mobility programme with the aim of promoting the international mobility of students, lecturers and technical-administrative staff to and from countries outside the European Union.



Students in the three study cycles (Bachelor, Master and Doctorate) have the opportunity to carry out a period of mobility for study, research, thesis or internship for a minimum period of 3 months and a maximum of 6 months at partner universities, in accordance with the objectives and procedures established in each individual project. 

Lecturers may carry out periods of mobility for teaching, seminars or training, for a minimum period of 5 days and a maximum that varies according to what is established in each project.

Technical-administrative staff may spend periods of mobility for training purposes, for a minimum period of 5 days and a maximum of 14 days.


Selection of participants

The partner universities in the project publish their selection notices indicating the requirements and how to submit applications. The selection must be transparent, public and consistent with the content of the project and ensure equal opportunities and the absence of any form of discrimination. The mobility grants, financed by the European Union, are awarded to the candidates selected by means of a regular procedure and according to the scores awarded to the applications by the commission appointed specifically by Rectoral Decree.

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility - KA107 - UNICA

Within the framework of this programme, the University of Cagliari has signed Inter-Institutional Agreements with universities in the following countries:

Belarus, Brazil, Colombia, Ethiopia, El Salvador, Georgia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Jordan, Lebanon, Mozambique, Peru, South Africa, Taiwan, Tanzania (United Republic of)

In the academic years 2016/17-2017/18 UniCa carried out incoming and outgoing mobility with Mozambique;

In the academic years 2017/18-2018/19 UniCa carried out incoming and outgoing mobility with Iran and Belarus; 

In the academic years 2018/19-2019/20 UniCa carried out incoming and outgoing mobility with El Salvador, Georgia; 

In the academic year 2021/22 UniCa realised outgoing and incoming mobility with South Africa and Mozambique.

The University of Cagliari has activated the new call for incoming non-European mobility under the international project Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility - 2020-1-IT02-KA107-078698, in partnership with universities in Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon and Taiwan.


CALL 2022

28 October 2022

In order to apply, prospective candidates must be enrolled or employed at one of the partner universities at the moment of application and for the whole duration of the mobility


This call regulates the application procedure for student and staff mobilities in the framework of the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility – 2020-1-IT02-KA107-078698 project between the University of Cagliari (Italy) and the Partner Universities indicated below.

COORDINATING INSTITUTION: University of Cagliari (Italy) - UNICA



Associação Unificada Paulista de Ensino Renovado Objetivo

Universidade Federal Do Ceará

Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Norte

Universidade Federal Rural Do Semi-Árido

Universidade Federal De Mato Grosso Do Sul


Colegio Mayor De Nuestra Señora Del Rosario Corporacion Sin Animo De Lucro

Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administración


Universidad Nacional Mayor De San Marcos


Addis Abeba University


Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology


University of Tehran


Middle East University

University of Jordan

Al-Ahlyya Amman University

Applied Science Private University


Universite Libanaise

Universite Saint-Joseph


Taipei Medical University Foundation-TMU

Call for Incoming students and staff Erasmus+ KA107/2020
R.D. 944 Call for Incoming Erasmus+ KA107/2020

01 December 2022

Notice of selection for the award of ERASMUS+ International Credit Mobility grants for study, teaching and training experiences at the partner universities of the project 2020-1-IT02-KA107-078698


Applicants interested in the ERASMUS+ International Credit Mobility grants must submit their applications, AFTER HAVING CAREFULLY READ THE APPLICATION NOTES (R.D. 1088 and R.D. 1089), starting from Thursday 01 December 2022 and no later than 2 p.m. on Friday 16 December 2022, by filling in the appropriate online form

Student mobility:

Professor mobility: 

TAL staff mobility:

R.D. 1088 Call for applications Erasmus + KA107 for teaching staff and TAB staff
R.D. 1089 Call for applications Erasmus + KA107 for students
Outgoing mobility lists KA107-2020 of R.D. 1088/2022 and 1089/2022

Globus is an exchange programme of the University of Cagliari that promotes student mobility in non-European countries and allows students to spend a period of study or a traineeship at non-European foreign universities. 

Globus allows students to carry out various types of training activities such as traineeships, attending courses and passing exams, as well as, in some specific locations, research for the preparation of the final thesis.

The programme provides three types of grants:

  • Scholarships for students who want to take examinations (Globus Studio);
  • Scholarships for students who want to do research for their final thesis (Globus Thesis);
  • Scholarships for students who want to do an internship (Globus Placement).

Globus bilateral agreement instructions

The ECTS system for statistical grade distribution
Globus Study/Thesis
Globus Placement
UniCa's partners in Globus

Welcoming programmes
The University of Cagliari has activated special actions and reception programmes for students.