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The Employment Counselling sector offers various services in order to increase the employability of final-year students and graduates of the University of Cagliari and encourages the meeting between demand and supply of labour:

- support in choosing a career path;
- advice on the composition and revision of CV and cover letter;
- support for the preparation of selection interviews;
- job vacancy matching service: through the portal Almalaurea, final-year students and graduates can be contacted directly by companies and send their applications in response to advertisements;
- information and training activities on job opportunities;
- meeting days with companies: initiatives dedicated to the selection of graduates or the illustration of new professional opportunities;
- extracurricular internships: within 12 months of obtaining the degree graduates can activate training and orientation in agreement with the university;
- University career day: the main opportunity for University of Cagliari’s graduates to meet companies.

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The Almalaurea Interuniversity Consortium, founded in 1994 by a group of researchers from the University of Bologna, was created to facilitate the entry of graduates into the labour market, thus easing getting in touch with companies. 

The University of Cagliari is among the 80 universities adhering to the consortium; twice a year the Almalaurea carries out two reports on the Profile and Employment Status of graduates at 1, 3 and 5 years from graduation, thus offering a complete outline valid up to the individual course of study.

The data are collected by graduates themselves and are returned to the participating universities, the Ministry (MIUR), the National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research System (ANVUR), as form of monitoring on the university and post-university system, in order to optimise the design, monitoring and evaluation of decisions taken by universities.

Almalaurea offers orientation tools, services, information and opportunities for peer-to-peer dialogue as well, in order to enhance the educational path and facilitate integration into the labour market.

Moreover, on the Almalaurea portal the graduates’ CVs are collected and consulted online: this facilitates the meeting between demand and supply of qualified work.

Almalaurea Portal
Almalaurea Showcase for Businesses
Almalaurea Events

NEW: The selection notice for two extracurricular traineeships at the University of Cagliari's Job Placement Department has been published. Applications must be submitted by 10 November 2023

The documentation is available at the end of this section "Extra-curricular traineeships".

For further information, please e-mail

Features and activation modalities

Tutorial training and orientation traineeships



Through the University of Cagliari, you can activate two types of internships:
- training and guidance internships, aimed at those who have obtained a degree within 12 months of graduation;
- work and reintegration internships for job seekers and unemployed people, including those in mobility.
The common objective of the two types is to encourage the acquisition of professional skills and encourage integration or reintegration into the labour market.

Training and orientation internships

Role of the University of Cagliari: promoter.
Hosting entity: public or private establishments having their registered or operational headquarters in Sardinia.
Requirements of recipients:  recipients must have obtained the qualification for no more than 12 months. No traineeships are available for professionals qualified or qualified to exercise regulated professions for typical activities such as those reserved for professionals.
Duration: 2 to 12 months. The extension is acceptable, but always within the limit of 12 months.
Costs: the monthly internship allowance, worth at least 400 euros gross, is paid by the host. The insurance costs are borne by the University of Cagliari.
How to activate: the hosting entity must register in advance - free of charge – on the Almalaurea-University of Cagliari portal.

Deadlines to meet: the training project of the internship must be approved by the hosting entity and the university tutor within five working days before the start date of the internship. Otherwise, the Job Placement Desk will automatically postpone the start of the internship by five days.

Once you have signed up, the portal must create the documents for the activation of the internship:
- the internship agreement: the data are entered in the portal by the hosting entity, then approved by the staff of the Job Placement Desk. At this point, the file must be downloaded, signed (if possible, digitally) and sent to the Desk via e-mail. Only after the agreement has been signed by the University of Cagliari and activated within the portal, it will be possible to proceed to the compilation of the training project.
- the training project: the data are entered in the portal by the hosting entity. Once completed, said hosting entity sends the training project - through a special link via Almalaurea - to the lecturer-researcher chosen as university tutor. The tutor will approve (or, possibly, reject) the project. At this point, the training project is approved by the staff of the Job Placement Desk. The file can now be downloaded by the host, signed by all interested parties and sent to the Desk, which will upload it to the portal and activate the internship.

Placement and re-employment traineeships

Role of the University of Cagliari: hosting entity.
Role of Aspal: promoter.
Target group: jobseekers and unemployed people, including those in mobility. In order to activate the course, the intern must have made the Declaration of Immediate Availability (DID) and the Personalised Service Agreement at the Centre for the Employment of Competence. No traineeships are available for professionals qualified or qualified to exercise regulated professions for typical activities such as those reserved for professionals. Traineeships may not be activated in favour of people who have already worked under a contract of employment or other occupation for any title by the hosting entity during the two years preceding the start of the traineeship.
Duration: six months, extendable for another six months.
Costs: the monthly internship allowance, worth at least 400 euros gross, is paid by the structure of the University of Cagliari that hosts the intern, as well as insurance coverage Inail, while the intern’s insurance for third party liability is borne by Aspal.
Activation mode: via the Aspal portal, with the support of the Job Placement Desk. To activate the internship, the university tutor must first fill in the appropriat form and send it by email. The activation procedure takes place in the Sil Sardegna portal and must be completed by the 20th of the month so that the internship can start on the first Monday of the following month.

Regulations for the activation of the Aspal internships and the related instructions are available on the Region’s website, page of Employment Services.

Procedure for issuing final traineeship certificates

In order to issue the final certificates, the following documents must be completed and submitted:

1.  request form

2.  individual attendance from register log must be stamped and signed by the host company and the intern;

3.  evaluation questionnaire by the intern (to be filled in the Almalaurea portal);

4.  evaluation questionnaire by the company tutor (to be filled in the Almalaurea portal);

5.  individual dossier;

6.  Certificate of internship.

The documentation must be sent by email to the Job Placement Desk within one month from the end of the internship.


If during the internship a suspension, an interruption ( either asked by the intern or the host structure) or an extension are needed, please use the appropriate forms.


Career guidance - Job Placement
University of Cagliari
Director’s Office for Research and Territory
Address: via San Giorgio 12 - entrance 3 - floor 1 - 09124 Cagliari

List of candidates admitted to selection interview for extracurricular traineeships
Traineeships notice repertoryed 26-10-2023
Traineeships notice repertoryed 26-10-2023 - Attachment 1 Application
Summary of extracurricular internships activated by the University as promoter in 2022
Internship guidelines - Resolution RAS No.34/7 of 03.07.2018

Here you can see the opportunities offered by companies and organisations. 

The information is updated periodically according to the deadlines of the different opportunities.

Programme YEP

Young Women Empowerment

Programme YEP - Young Women Empowerment Programme is the mentoring programme created by the Ortygia Foundation for the future of young women in Southern Italy, as part of its commitment to gender inclusion and the enhancement of female talent.

For six months, young female students will benefit from the one-to-one or group mentoring support of a professional.

The companies that have made their professionals available as Mentors are important Italian companies such as Intesa Sanpaolo and Sparkle as Main Partners and Accenture, Fastweb, illimity, Leonardo, Open Fiber, Santander and Snam as Supporters.

The programme is aimed at female students enrolled in the first or second year of a Master's degree course in economics and STEM faculties at leading universities in Southern Italy.

The programme takes place remotely and includes plenary training sessions and 6 one-to-one/group mentoring meetings of approximately 1 hour each month, in person or remotely, as well as a final event to share the experience.

Participation for female students is free of charge.

Deadline for applications: 17 November 2023

Link to the website

Free webinars: upcoming events


The start-up company 'ELEVEL-Academy' invites you to participate in a series of free educational offers in the coming weeks. The company organises webinars on topics such as Artificial Intelligence in the professional context, Excel skills, and project management, offering the opportunity to gain practical and interactive insights into new technologies and approaches to solving complex problems in two-hour webinars.

The interactive webinars are led by experienced instructors and offer not only valuable content, but also the opportunity for a direct exchange on the topic under discussion and to clarify any doubts.

By participating in the webinars, you will also have the opportunity to obtain an individual certificate.

The next scheduled webinars are:

18 November 2023 - 6pm - Introduction to AWS:

Registration link

22 November 2023 - 6pm - ChatGPT for Productivity:

Registration link

Webinar on empowerment 

Mentors4U invites students to take part - on Wednesday 22 November, from 5 to 6 p.m., streamed on Zoom - in the webinar designed to talk about #powerfully and how to improve one's performance starting from the peculiarities that differentiate each of us.

The webinar speaker will be Andrea Molinari.

This is an appointment dedicated to discovering how to help yourself achieve your goals by learning not to sabotage yourself and how to manage moments of anxiety and difficulty, overcoming the fear of the judgement of others and establishing stimulating and positive interpersonal relationships: the speaker - a professional in the corporate sector with experience in international projects and a passion for personal development, neuroscience and meditation - will provide practical advice, food for thought and answers to questions.

Registration link

Job Fair in the Metaverse

The appointment, organised by Sace, is set for Friday 1 December 2023 (11 a.m. - 1 p.m.) and is addressed to undergraduates and recent graduates from all over Italy.

This is the first job fair completely set in the Metaverse, allowing talents from all over Italy to take part in the selections.

Participants will have the opportunity to take part in various gamification useful to get to know the SACE world, meet the various areas of SACE and discover which internship positions will be open from January 2024.

Details on the initiative and registration in the link:

Programme and registration

Virtual Fair

On Friday 1 December 2023, on the portal XXVII Virtual Fair will be held, the online career day of the Placement Exchange that allows you to meet large companies interested in your profile in a single day and remotely.

From 16 November, companies will start scheduling interviews.

By signing up, you will be able to have an agenda of interviews with companies interested in meeting you, having found your profile in line with the criteria sought.

To stay updated on participating companies, please monitor the event at the following link:

From 24 November, you will be able to identify companies of interest looking for a profile like yours and put yourself forward for an interview.

Register on the portal

Degree Award

"10 Theses for Sustainability”

The "10 Theses for Sustainability" Degree Award, which UniCa has also joined, is promoted by LUISS and Symbola Association and sponsored by AlmaLaurea, CRUI, RUS. 

Participation is open to Italian students of all master's degrees, single-cycle degrees, and equivalent qualifications for the academic years 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 (already submitted at the time of application).

Applications can be submitted from 20 October until 20 December 2023.

Reference link: 10 Theses for Sustainability

Career Day event - Bio Pharma Day

Career Day - Bio Pharma Day: a leading event on the Italian scene that offers an unmissable opportunity for job supply and demand to meet in the Biotech, Medtech and Pharma sectors.

As always, the protagonists are young people: students, postgraduates or specialists in the healthcare, life sciences and engineering disciplines.

Participation is free of charge after signing up on the Biopharmaday website where all information can be found.

The event will take place in two phases: an online part with company presentations starting on 8 November; a second part in presence in Rome on 28 November.

Inpa Portal

Inpa is the portal for public administration recruitment. Sign up by filling in your CV and join the network for recruitment in the P.A.


Internships abroad with Aiesec

New internship opportunities abroad offered by the Aiesec association are available for graduates in the fields of Economics and Business Management, Economics and Finance, Managerial Economics and Economics, Finance and Public Policy. This is a non-profit association run by boys and girls aged between 18 and 30, whose aim is to develop the full potential of young people by offering internships and work experience abroad. These projects (with limited places) last between six and 78 weeks. The person responsible for the internship projects abroad is Federica Canzilla.



Would you like to be informed about upcoming Business Days?

Send an email to, including in the subject line the words: Meeting days with companies and, in the email, this text: "I am interested in receiving via email communications relating to the meeting days with companies organised by the Job Placement Desk of the University of Cagliari. I authorise the processing of my personal data in accordance with Article 13 of Legislative Decree of 30 June 2003 and Article 13 of the Gdpr (EU Regulation 2016/679)".

The higher education and research apprenticeship is an employment contract that is activated in agreement with the university, aimed at students enrolled at the university or post graduate.

In addition to work, the apprentice carries out research on topics of interest to the employer. This type of apprenticeship can also be used to write the thesis in the business field.

The apprenticeship in agreement with the university allows young graduates to carry out the period of practice in order to access to the professions organised in orders.

The apprentice is an employee, and his pay is governed by the employer’s collective agreement.

How long does the apprenticeship last

The minimum duration is six months.

The maximum duration varies according to the type of apprenticeship:

- higher education apprenticeship is completed when the apprentice obtains the degree;
- research apprenticeship ends when research is completed (maximum period: 36 months);
- the maximum duration of the apprenticeship for admission to the professions organised in orders is linked to the completion of the certificate of completion of the admission to the State examination.

How to start an apprenticeship

- the employer and the University sign a protocol;
- the university tutor draws up the individual training Plan, with the employer’s involvement;
- the employer hires the apprentice.

During the apprenticeship course, the training tutor and the company tutor collaborate in compiling the individual dossier of the apprentice.

After the apprenticeship

At the end of the apprenticeship period, the employer and the apprentice may freely withdraw from the employment relationship.
In the absence of withdrawal, the relationship continues indefinitely.

Information and contacts

University of Cagliari
Director’s Office for Research and Territory - Director: Gaetano Melis
via San Giorgio, 12 - Cagliari - Entrance 3 - first floor

Anna Cotza


To learn more

Article 41 et seq. of Legislative Decree No. 81 of 15 June 2015: "Organic regulation of employment contracts and revision of the regulations on duties, pursuant to Article 1, paragraph 7, of Law No. 183 of 10 December 2014".

Decree of 12 October 2015 of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, in agreement with the Ministry of Education, University and Research: "Definition of the training standards of the apprenticeship and general criteria for the realisation of the apprenticeship paths, in implementation of article 46, paragraph 1, of legislative decree no. 81 of 15 June 2015".

Information sheet
Reminder for apprentices, university training tutors and employers/company tutors
Individual information plan
Individual dossier

For information and advice:

Our location:
Directorate for Research and Territory
Address: via San Giorgio 12 - entrance 3 - floor 1 - 09124 Cagliari

Head of Employment Guidance Area
Anna Cotza:

+39070 6756506

Matteo Tola:

+39070 6756820

Head of Projects for higher education and employability area
Silvia Murgia:

+39070 6758409