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Curricular traineeship aims to enable students to apply the skills and theoretical/practical knowledge acquired during their training through direct experience in a work context. It also represents an important orientation opportunity for future career choices.

For some study courses the traineeship is compulsory; others provide it as an optional activity. In both cases, the traineeship is associated with the acquisition of university credits (CFU). 

The curricular traineeship must be carried out during the training course and must necessarily be completed before the degree is awarded.

It is possible to carry out the traineeship in external facilities (companies, public or private bodies, professionals registered with professional associations) that have signed a special agreement with the university (external curricular traineeship). Some study courses also offer the possibility of an traineeship at laboratories and other facilities within the university (internal curricular traineeship).

Traineeship must be carried out on the basis of a specific training project agreed with the host organisation. The training project details the objectives, activities and procedures for carrying out the traineeship in accordance with the didactic regulations of the student's course of study.

During the traineeship experience the student is supervised by a tutor appointed by the host organisation and by a university tutor chosen by the student from among the lecturers on his/her course of study.

Detailed information on the procedures for activating traineeships can be found on the "Teaching/Traineeships" pages of the study course or Faculty websites


Extra-curricular traineeships

For information, participation procedures and forms relating to extra-curricular traineeships, please visit this page