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The University of Cagliari's Psychological Counselling Service acts as a useful resource to help students experience their university education in a positive way, in the manner and on schedule, preventing dropouts or delays in their studies.

All the various types of intervention and support are free of charge and strictly confidential.

It is well known that choosing a university course to undertake, as well as the entire period of university studies, represent for students’ decisive stages in the transition towards their adult and working future, and frame the achievement of important milestones in the development of their sense of identity and self-fulfilment.

In these developmental transitions, students' resources and limitations are measured and highlighted, and it is therefore necessary to offer them the possibility of useful support in facing the emotional, cognitive and relational challenges that may arise.

University students can make use of the university's Psychological Counselling Service for psychological support. The situations that generally motivate such a request may be:

  • difficulties adapting to the university environment
  • blockages, anxiety and difficulty in exam performance
  • demotivation to study
  • confusion over choice of studies
  • difficulty managing stress
  • concentration difficulties
  • psychological distress of various kinds (anxiety, depressed mood, social phobia, panic attacks, etc.)
  • difficulty in processing traumatic events
  • problems related to identity, self-perception and body image
  • difficulties in family and social relationships

High schools can make use of the University's psychological counselling service for mapping and assessing the decision-making styles, problem-solving skills and levels of perceived self-efficacy of students in transition to university (students enrolled in the 4th, 5th year).

How can it be accessed?

The service can be accessed throughout the academic year and is located at the Palazzo del Balice, Via Università 40, Cagliari (Directorate for Didactics and Guidance - Guidance Service).

The psychologists/psychotherapists are:
- Daniela Degortes, psychologist, psychotherapist
- Paola Piras, psychologist, psychotherapist
- Daniele Pisu, psychologist, psychotherapist

To arrange an appointment you can
- send an e-mail to:
- call +39 070 6752143, +39 070 6752353 or +39 070 6752480, Monday to Friday, 9.00 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.


Office circular on the processing of personal data

The University of Cagliari is the data controller of personal data in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016, and the Personal Data Protection Code Legislative Decree 196/2003, respecting human dignity, rights and fundamental freedoms of the person.
The information on data processing for the category of data subject STUDENTS and the purpose ONGOING GUIDANCE (DirDid) is published on the Privacy page.

  • Welcome and initial counselling. The initial counselling consists of an initial cognitive interview and is mainly aimed at offering the student a space and time in which to openly expose his/her/their problem, in an atmosphere geared towards listening, respect and absence of judgement. With the help of the service's psychologists, the student is able to better focus on his/her/their difficulty and assess the start of a targeted counselling course.
  • Individual psychological support. At the end of the initial counselling, the student can opt for an individual psychological support intervention. The intervention consists of 4 weekly meetings lasting 50-60 minutes each, followed by a follow-up meeting after 3 months. The meetings are aimed at supporting the student to broaden his/her/their self-knowledge, to clarify and redefine the meaning of the emotional experiences and difficulties experienced in the problematic situation, to activate useful resources to cope with it in the best possible way.
  • Referral to other professionals and territorial mental health services. At the end of the initial counselling, it is possible that the student may wish to undertake a long-term specialist intervention (e.g. psychotherapy) or that the psychological support intervention limited to counselling is not appropriate or is insufficient with respect to the difficulty presented. In these cases, the psychologists will provide the student with useful contacts at the territorial mental health services.

This intervention, which can be complementary to an individual psychological support intervention, is mainly aimed at offering students the opportunity to work in a group in order to achieve a better understanding of themselves and the situation that is creating distress. Sharing one's own experience, listening to similar experiences from others, giving and receiving emotional support can be extremely helpful in overcoming the difficulty one is going through.

The intervention consists of 8 meetings on a weekly basis, lasting 90 minutes each. The groups consist of 8-10 students and are led by 2 psychologists. All participants are required to respect the content they are talking about and confidentiality.

Development of promotional, informative, training, psycho-educational activities for the promotion of psychological wellbeing in schools and universities, on topics such as: psychological distress, study motivation, anxiety and stress management, negotiation and management of conflictual relationships, communication, time management, emotional intelligence and life skills, healthy behaviour and prevention with regard to diet, physical activity, sexuality, etc.

In addition to the Guidance Days, these activities may be developed and planned on the basis of other initiatives that may already be scheduled in the various high schools and faculties of the university.

These activities are intended both for students and for the school and university personnel most in contact with them, mainly to make them aware of the interventions offered by the University Psychological Counselling Service and to facilitate access to the service itself.

Choosing a university course of study is an important step because it concerns your personal and professional future and helps define "who you want to be" and "what you want to do". Choosing is a complex process that brings us face to face with doubts and perplexities of various kinds.

Doubts and uncertainties are important growth experiences, but they can often hinder an informed choice of study path.

What is it all about?

It is a space that offers the possibility of an individual orientation interview with one of the psychologists of the University of Cagliari's Psychological Counselling Service, where you can explore your motivations, decision-making processes, interests and personal goals related to your university choice.

Who is it aimed at?

Students in the last two years of upper secondary schools and recent graduates.

How it works

The interview, which lasts approximately 30 minutes, takes place by booking and is conducted via video call on the online platforms Skype or Teams.

Appointments will be scheduled in chronological order of receipt of the request.

The service can guarantee a maximum availability of 14 individual interviews per week.

Contact modalities

You can request an interview on Skype or Teams by filling in and sending the form by clicking on the link below.

Once the booking has been made through the online form, you will be contacted by email to define the modalities of the appointment.

> Counselling request form