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Via Marengo, 2 09123 Cagliari

With effect from 1 October 2021, Giuseppe Mazzarella, Professor at the University’s Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, is appointed as Rector’s Delegate on aerospace issues.

Delegate Mazzarella is the successor of Professor Massimo Vanzi, and has been appointed delegate with R.D. n. 436 of 10.05.2021, in quiescence from October 2021: unless otherwise established by subsequent decree, he will keep the position up until the end of the term in office of the incumbent Rector.

Giuseppe Mazzarella graduated with honours in Electronic Engineering at the University Federico II of Naples in 1984, and subsequently obtained his PhD in Electronic and Computer Engineering in 1989. In 1990, he became Researcher of the Department of Electronic Engineering of the University Federico II of Naples, and since 1992 he has been working for the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of the University of Cagliari, first as associate professor and then as full professor, holding courses in Electromagnetic Fields, Microwaves, Aerials, Remote Sensing and Wireless Systems.

He has been a former pro tempore director of DIEE, as well as a member of the Board of Directors of the University of Cagliari; he was also executive president of the CyberSAR consortium, vice president of the National Interuniversity Consortium for Telecommunications. Since 2018 he is president of Siem - Italian Society of Electromagnetism, scientific society that gathers most of the professors and researchers in the “Electromagnetic Fields" sector. He is also a Senior Member of the IEEE, and vice-chair of the IEEE Central and South Italy chapter of the MTT/AP Societies.

Mazzarella worked as reviewer for the main international journals of Electromagnetism; he is author or co-author of over 90 works in international journals (and over 90 memoirs at international conferences). He has an H-index of 20 (Scopus data, extracted on 28/04/2021), and 3 of its publications have over 140 citations each.

Mazzarella supervised about 50 theses and tutored 12 doctors and 4 Ph.D. candidates in Electronic and Computer Engineering: all the topics related to applied electromagnetism and remote sensing. He also co-tutored 3 additional Ph.D. candidates in Electronic Engineering and Computer Science.

In recent years he has led – either as scientific coordinator or local manager - coordinated projects funded by the Italian Space Agency, the CNR, Murst (Prin 97-98, 99-00, 03-04, 08-09) and RAS on topics related to analysis and design of filiform, printed and waveguide aerials and alignments, and their diagnostics, as well as to the use of SAR data. He was also responsible for scientific research contracts between DIEE and Italian companies on topics related to slot aerials in waveguide and adaptive aerials.