via Sant'Ignazio,78 - 09123 Cagliari
Boasting a Ph.D. in Sociology of Gender and Family, Ester Cois is sociologist of the territory in the Department of Political and Social Sciences; she also teaches Urban Sociology in the master’s degree courses in Politics, Society and Territory and Architecture. He is managing editor of the international magazine "Sociologica. International Journal for Sociological Debate". Currently engaged in the research project Horizon 2020 "SUPERA. Supporting the Promotion of Equality in Research and Academia", which drafted the first Gender Equality Plan of the University of Cagliari, she’s also responsible for the European Erasmus+ project "SMILE. Social Meaning Impact through LLL Universities in Europe", in the "Women in Leadership" area and she’s a member of the CRUI National Sub-Commission for Gender Equality Plan.
Her research interests focus on gender inequalities in the use of public space and the processes of regeneration and social inclusion in urban and rural areas.